Word 15

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A | N :
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"The fear I once carved in me
starts to bleed
and it was painfully enticing."


To make up for the last time, Aeman decides to be the one waiting for Khay at the bus stop near his neighbourhood. For starters, he can't be late; 6pm it is, even if the bus carrying Khay would eventually drag pass the estimated arrival time.

The sky is a murky colour of orange and red, dusk wears its clothes too thick as if feigning insecurities. The hair on his arm stands, protesting against the chilly wind- cold and crisp. Aeman secretly regrets for not bringing along his blue jacket.

The ping of his notification slams him back from daydream, and he drowsily checks the content. It's from Khay.

Be there in 3 mins.

Aeman types his reply in a grumpy manner, make it 1- it's hella freezing over here.

It doesn't take more than 10 seconds for Khay to respond back- sure, lemme ask the bus to grow wings =_=

A scoff escapes him as he leaves her on read, carefully leaning against the pole. He was closing his eyes in an attempt to reduce the fatigue building from the cold when he heard faint footsteps- passing him in a breeze. Out of curiosity, he cracks open an eye, and finds a familiar person sitting on a bench, head down, ears plugged with wireless device, gaze strongly pins the blaring screen, the cuteness of a frown that Aeman could never disregard.

He takes his sweet time tiptoeing over to where the person was sitting, stopping just beside her before unplugging an earbud from her right ear.

The girl jumps in her seat and whips her head in his direction, some of her hair sticks to her left cheek- a bewildered expression washes away her cute frown.

"Hello, Eve." Aeman greets her with that professional smile of his, only this time it flashes a hint of amusement.

"... Aeman!" Eve shrieks in disbelief, ignoring the abandoned boss in her game. "Wha- what are you doing here?"

"That should be my line. I was here first, you know?" His gaze softens on her seeing how red she was turning.

"Uh- I was waiting for a bus, obviously." Eve replies, purposely looking around to check their surroundings.

Aeman passively hums, resting his elbows on his knees while saying, "I'm hurt, Eve- you don't even bother to say hi when I'm just a few foot away from you."

Hearing that is enough to make Eve lose her composure, "You know I can't take in my surroundings when I'm too focused on my game! It's not- like I was ignoring you..."

It was in his intention all along to tease her, and it was worth the effort- the cold ceases from bothering his figure. Aeman bursts out laughing while shaking his head, "Sure I know you're like that, sorry if my jokes were too much."

Eve went speechless at the sight of Aeman openly laughing beside her, and it affects her so much that she swears her brain fuzzing ten-fold compared to when she was gaming a while ago.

"You're acting weird, Aeman." She says just to calm herself.

"Only because I'm with you, Eve." Aeman nonchalantly replies, being ignorant of the fact that he just stole the girl's breath away with his choice of words. He was too busy inspecting the earbud in his hand to notice that.

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