Word 4

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A|N >>
Oh poor, poor baby Khay🥲 Got no words when writing the phone call scene but Alhamdulillah I have very thoughtful parents taking care of me. Have a blessed day <33


"They said loneliness comes in a form of disease,
Some are left uncured and they ruptured through people's veins,
Forcing them to bleed, causing them to drown,
And killing them without a sound."


The rain taps softly on his umbrella as the wind begins to blow a chill through his skin. Ian was checking his phone for any new messages, not intending to reply them at the moment. He opens his chat with Aeman.

°° Aeman Hakeem🌚 °°
I gotta stay behind , SC meeting
Walk home w/o me .

SC, as in the Student Council. Ian shrugs slowly, a bit down since he'll be walking home alone today, and he owes Aeman some sort of explanation back then. He clicks his tongue, knowing that explanation shall wait until next Monday since the weekend starts tomorrow.

Two texts floats up the notification bar, from his younger brother.

°° Kyle °°
Im working till 5 today
R u home yet? Its raining

He slides his phone into his pocket, huffing a deep sigh. Sometimes he felt like he fails to act like an older brother, because it always looks like Kyle is paying too much attention on him, like Kyle is taking care of him; sure, brothers should take care of each other but this, Kyle puts an extra effort on such role. There are times when their neighbours mistakenly thought that Kyle is older than him, and that hurt his pride so he never likes it when Kyle shows too much of his brotherly affection to him.

"He should give it a rest, already." Ian mumbles under his breath, tilting his head up to absently stare at the mist lingering in the rain.

He begins to slowly walk home when he catches himself sneezing, the cold will reach him. As soon as he strides past the entrance gate, his steps come to a sharp halt as his eyes spot a familiar figure standing alone under a bus stop.

"Shoot," he gasps out of reflex when an uncertain heat starts to creep upon his face. "It's her, you've gotta be kiddin' me."

It's that junior of his; the one that made him loses all the cool senses inside and gives himself up to utter embarrassment once in a blue moon. He lets out an airy laugh to mock nobody but himself, tired of the unexpected events unraveling today.

Rubbing the back of his ear absently, he whispers under his breath, "What was her name again...?" The weather makes it difficult for him to recall the event this morning.

He holds his umbrella close, realising the wind starts to pick up a worrying pace, the mist begins to cloud around his sight, rain puddles popping everywhere. Why's she still standing over there, the bus isn't scheduled to come at this hour, plus she'll catch a cold, he thought with a deep frown.

The 'junior' appears to be calm, or maybe she's pretending to because her shoulders are shaking, and she quickly wraps herself in her arms, tight, attempting to dismiss the cold.

Ian walks across the wet pavement in long strides, heading straight to the bus stop, his eyes glisten with concern.

Perhaps due to the rush, Khay notices him right away. He sprints under the bus stop, closes his umbrella, tilts it down to his side, and greets her with a soft smile, "Hello again, Stranger Under The Bridge."

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