Word 3

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A|N >>
And so... they've met! Let's see where this gonna go between Khay and Ian. Aeman's got no chill, eh? ☠️😭 And meet Ian's little brooo- Kyle Walter! Thanks for being here, precious people<333 !

Off we goooo~


"Don't bother to ask me when,
Because it all happened so fast and blatant,
The next thing I knew was that I had already fallen."


Another 30-minutes before the bell rings for recess time. Ian grips his jaw in his left hand to block his mouth from opening, the yawn breaks through inside and water his eyes. It's just had to be History, out of all subjects that Ian loves, for the third class period of the day.

He was viewing a page in his textbook about the chronologies of World War II, hearing Aeman's soft snores beside him as a small distraction. Out of concern, he makes the textbook stand in front of Aeman's face so that the teacher won't come up shouting at their table. Sure, he views Aeman as a very disciplined person, but even the most disciplined person in the universe slacks off once in a while, and Aeman is making no exception; simply because he skips a few hours of his sleeping schedule.

The teacher was explaining things about unity and its importance and how war can break every soul in this world, poor innocent souls who deserve to live longer but because of human's greeds, they became sacrifices. Ian gets it just like that, frowning at the large number of deaths highlighted in the page.

"It's inevitable, when war breaks out deaths can't be prevented. Either innocent or tainted souls, all are finished." The teacher nudges his crooked glasses up with his middle finger, sniffing as if he wanted to cry.

Tainted souls. Ian echoes that word in his mind, solemnly thought it's an idiom at first but later on he believes it means just that; a soul with hate, resentment and dark elements. There are people who cease to believe humans have souls, but Ian is convinced of soul's existence; mostly because of what he read in the library and he would ask his mother about it back home.

He believes that without a soul, they couldn't even live. He believes that without a soul, they couldn't even dream. A soul is what human needs to feel their feet touching the face of earth. Its source- Ian isn't interested on knowing the crucial question of soul's existence -he simply thought that, oh a soul must exist in every one of us, and that's that. How and what and whatsoever in it about souls, that would be God's business to know, Ian holds that belief.

"Okay, class, move on to the next page. Let's see... I would like Aeman to read us the first pharagraph, please?"

Oh, dang.

"Man, wake up, the teacher's calling you." Ian whispers and nudges the sleeping Aeman with his elbow and the latter shifts with a half-dazed face.

"Aeman, did you seriously sleep in my class!?" The teacher folds the textbook in his hand and stares off with a frustrated face.

Aeman is startled awake, and he tries to wipe away the daze of his face- a look of utter disappointment flickers in his eyes. "I'm very sorry, sir. I won't do it again," he sincerely says.

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