Word 14

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A | N :
Been thinking of creating one character with special attributes🤭 Look forward to it 'cuz I know you'll love him(perhaps)!

[We're going back to the present timeline! Bismillah... Lesgooooo~]


"How does one feel
when the darkness of the past
came grasping at our ankles
and pulled us down without batting an eye?"


Kyle wakes up sweating and heaving, sweats creeping cold onto his back. He was working on something last night and fell asleep on the couch in the living room, where is now dark and solid and crisp. He looks around for a while, and runs his right palm through his face, up to the ruined bangs falling into his eyes.

"Damnit." He cusses into his palm, noting how much his body had burnt up from one simple dream.

Why now, out of other times, I must dream about that shit.

Not being the one to complain out loud, Kyle reaches for the phone on the coffee table next to him- and was surprised when the light suddenly flickered open, washing the living room bright and sunny.

"Kyle?" Ian's confused voice reaches across the couch, and Kyle takes time to readjust his eyes to the sudden brightness before turning to his older brother.

"Hey, brother." Kyle greets with an awkward scratch on his neck, placing his phone facedown on his lap.

Ian creases his own forehead, a bit blatant to say, "This is a surprise? You never slept in a living room before. What's wrong- having an argument with Nala?"

Kyle remains unfazed although it's an entire truth Ian was speaking, "No, Nala and I are fine."

"Then?" Ian gestures to the couch Kyle was sitting and just now slept on.

"... It wasn't on purpose, I guess I was too tired and fell asleep right away." Kyle unknowingly pinches himself to get that sentence out.

"Uh-huh, I can see that." Ian got this mocking smirk on his face, "Miwa told me. You went out with a girl, huh?"

"And Nala, as well. Don't just assume she was telling the truth," Kyle huffs, and does Ian notice a hint of annoyance there? Kyle grabs his bag carrying his camera with the phone in his other hand, heading upstairs after brushing past Ian.

"Hey, Kyle! Don't be so cocky, tell me the details~ Who is she, a co-worker? An ex girlfriend from primary school? Or your reality crush, huuuuh?" Ian halts his steps on the bottom stairs when Kyle abruptly pauses midway, not reacting for a while.

"... She's a nobody," Kyle shrugs on his bag, his back facing Ian so the latter can't see what face he was making. "We're not in that kind of relationship," he continued the sentence like that.

"Liar," Ian was scoffing at how much inexperienced his younger brother is at the topic of 'relationship'. "If you two aren't in that kind of relationship, then why would you bother to ask her out, then?"

Now that's a question that he himself couldn't find the subtle answer, "It's for Nala, she took a liking to a stranger for the first time so I wouldn't want to waste that."

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