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A|N >>
What's with Kyle and his cold, nasty attitude to Miwa and others? Things are getting tougher and rougher for Khay and I get her so much with the traumas and fears. This book takes me back every time and I heal with just reading it all alone. May Allah give me strength to finish this, with a happy ending of course! ;) InshaAllah.

Let's goooo!!


"In remembering the past,
I've realized that it's scattered pages weren't as complete as now,
Because it didn't include you,
As the most highlighted part."


The room smells of coffee as a few strokes of sunlight surge into the window pane. Morning has come with a new essence of hope, that's always applicable to the early birds. Weekends are always Ian's personal favourite, well he himself figures, who doesn't love weekends? And he would toss his phone away after sliding off the ringing alarm and turning on the silent mode; nothing or no one, except for Miwa he reckons, has the privilege in disturbing him at these precious hours.

Morning person? Not on Ian's charming list, surprisingly, at all.

Ian shifts inside the comforter, having the strong urge to sink himself down and melt into the bed and leave the comforter flat before his nose twitches in disgust. He frowns on his sleep, the dream he seeks puffs out in thin air.

"Urgh..." that was his language of saying 'eww', enough to blow his frustration up.

"It's morning already, brother." A slow, husky voice shakes him awake, Ian hears a light thud on his nightstand, the scent of coffee dancing its waves into his running nose.

Ian groans and rolls over, his broad back facing his younger brother, "Kyle, dude, what the heck-" he slurs lazily.

"I made you coffee," Kyle says matter-of-factly, he's being used to Ian acting like this every weekend, especially when the latter's still recovering from a nasty cold.

"Well I thank you for your usual generosity, Mr Hot Barista, but no thank you I'm not drinking that crap," Ian doesn't hold back from cussing that moment.

It hurts his pride, Ian's the Big Brother here for crying out loud. Ian harshly tucks himself close into the comforter.

A pause of silence before Kyle picks up the smiley mug, leaning his face close to take a sniff of the aromatic scent, as he leans his brown bangs cast shadows into his blue eyes; they flash a mysterious colour of plain dark sea. He studies the thick liquid in the mug, swishing it briefly as if to search for any flaw. His gaze darts to Ian next, pondering.

"I thought you like this type, was it no good because I made it?" Kyle is weak at expressing the shape of his voice, the tone of his feelings, he's weak at that and Ian knows his younger brother too well.

Everything Kyle says to him is by no means, hinted to mockery.

"I can't take caffeine when I'm sick, Kyle, seriously. This cold is nastier than I thought," Ian huffs, his voice weighs heavier.

"... I see, so you won't be needing this coffee." Kyle is fast in taking hints, he's sharp at anything, sharper and faster than Ian to be exact but there's something he is lacking.

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