Word 8

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A Japanese girl's entry? I'm soooo into that character— no kidding😆 Welp it's gonna be a long ride, stay with me and comment nice words plsss❤️


I never get to know your name,
But how's that even matter—
When all that I can remember is your name and the reason we frequently meet?


The sound of water rushing over the plates and utensils almost muffles his monotone voice, and Kyle watches as the soaps slip down from clothing the washed plates. Ari beside him fidgets at both the noise and the cold shoulder Kyle was giving.

"... Why so, Miss Ari? I'm asking you." He asks again.

Ari has no option but to answer, "Because... at the end of the day, you do something to make yourself happy and content. That excitement inside you whenever you do a particular thing every day, is what we can see as a passion. It can't be forced, it can't be fixed, it's what you choose to do on your own because you like it."

"So I must like to do something for it to be my passion?" Kyle taps a finger at the faucet, the water stops running.

"That's what I'm saying, don't you get it?" Ari clutches at her blouse tightly.

"I do get it, I understand the concept just fine." Kyle says, "but then again, Miss Ari, that's where you go against your words."

The ice inside Kyle's heart isn't thawing; it stays and remains solid even after Ari decides to encroach such topic with him.

Kyle turns, his eyes dark, resting solemnly on Ari's pale face. "Photography is just another means for me to remind myself of certain things, I never said anything about liking it."

Ari gapes at that, lines spidering her forehead and brows.

"Just because I constantly did that same thing each day, and flawlessly as you claim, you can't just assume that I'm passionate about it, Miss Ari." Kyle fishes out a napkin from the pocket of his apron, wiping his wet hands before turning to leave.

Ari flinches, "Bb- but!"

Kyle cuts her off with what she can call a frustrated side-glance, "It's burdensome anyway, for you to try helping me with something like this."

"What are you talking about? It's not bothersome at all! I was just- I was just..." Ari staggers, stammers, and loses her will to continue. Her face flushes a shade deeper.

Seeing that, Kyle averts his eyes from her and sighs into his own palm. "I get it. There's nothing worth fussing about, this thing is," he claims.

Then the bell on the counter rings, hinting them of the presence of new customers.

"Back to work, Kyle." Ari finally speaks again, her voice cracks. "No slacking off."

"I never did," says Kyle as he stuffs the napkin back into his apron. He doesn't miss the look of utter disappointment from his boss after that.

Ah. I'm being a jerk again. He dimly thinks before walking out of the kitchen.

Passion for photography, he never gives it a serious thought. Now that Ari had mentioned it to his face— a part of him denies it, the rest are vague and misted to the point he finds it infuriating.

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