Word 9

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A|N >>
Well then, Khay's resolve might be weaker than expected. I'm hoping for more of her character development later🥺


"How can I bring myself up to the surface,
When all these invisible forces keep pulling me in- down, down down,
To the white abyss."


Khay holds her head high through her timid posture, swallowing the quickened heartbeats out of excitement.

Miss Yona hums in an approved manner, her smile was brimming with confidence of an educator. "So, Khaysara, do you still want to do this?" Comes the important question.

And Khay only has one answer, "Yes, Miss Yona. I do."

"Excellent," the teacher quips as she pushes the paper along with the pen to Khay, asking her to sign the blank section.

"If you don't mind me asking, is that a sketchpad?" Miss Yona was taking turns looking between the sketchpad before Khay.

"Y- yes," Khay nods as she signs the document. The said sketchpad rests on her lap.

"Why did you take it out just now?"

No answer.

"Okay... no pressure, I was just curious." Miss Yona lightly chuckles, and from there Khay realises that there might be no harm to just show the teacher the contents of her precious sketchpad. Right, no harm at all.

"It's-! It's actually... the sketchpad... where I wrote... all of my recent poems," Khay flushes deep red while disclosing the fact.

"Oh my, is that so?" Miss Yona gapes, excitement filters her voice. "May I read some of your poems? If you don't mind, that is."

No harm at all. No harm. At all.

With a rather slow, careful movement, Khay flips through the pages of her sketchpad and stops when her fingers graze at a page where her eyes flicker a hopeful signal. She turns the pad upside down and extends it forward to Miss Yona's reach.

Miss Yona silently takes the sketchpad, tracing the neatly handwritten words there and they take her next breath away. She looks back at Khay, a surprised reaction visible on her face.

"Khaysara, this is..."

Her office door abruptly flings open and a student enters with a pile of paperwork in his hands. Khay whirls back on her seat, taking in the new presence- citrus scented figure, blue-sky eyes that glint like an endless universe- he gawks down at her, seemingly surprised.

"Woah- sorry, Miss Yona. Thought you don't have a visitor," his husky voice rings thousands of bells in Khay's ears.

She really wants the ground to open up a hole and swallow her whole.

"Walter, really? This is not a good example for your junior," Miss Yona rolls her eyes and places down the sketchpad, reeling her way to stand up and take the materials away from Ian.

"My bad," Ian says.

"These all for your last submission?" Miss Yona asks while flicking through the papers with her thumb.

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