Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home

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 Multiple, giant, black military-grade helicopters fly high above the Qatar desert, one of these helicopters is holding a group of troops. Most of these soldiers are men, some are women, and others.

"Oh, God, Five months of this. I can't wait to get a little taste of home. A plate of mama's alligators' etouffee... Mmm," one soldier speaks. He is a Portarican man and has his head shaved. His name is Figueroa. The soldier in front of him pauses whatever he is listening to so he can talk to Figueroa.

"You've been talking about barbecued 'gators and crickets for the last two weeks. I'm never going to your mom's house, Fig. I promise," the soldier points to Fig as he speaks. This man is a black American and, similar to Fig, has his head shaved. His name is Epps.

"But Bobby, Bobby-," Fig tries to convince Epps but is cut off by said person. He sounds a bit annoyed, "I'm never going to your mama's house."

Fig again tries to convince Epps, "Bobby, 'gators are known to have the most succulent meat."

"I understand," Epps says, sounding both annoyed and tired. Fig starts to speak Spanish, even though none of the other troops understand Spanish. Epps tries to mimic Fig but does so quite poorly.

"English, please. English," Epps says as he rolls his eyes.

"I don't- I mean, how many times have we- we don't speak Spanish. I told you that," the troops' captain stutters out. He appears to be a white man with short black hair that sticks up in small spikes. His name is William Lennox.

"Seriously Fig, not to be rude but speaking Spanish isn't going to help us if you're one of the only people that understand it," another soldier says with a small smile, they are (ethnicity) and have (H/L) (H/C) hair. Their name is (Y/N).

"Why you got to ruin it for me, man? That's my heritage," Fig defends himself, and he begins to speak more Spanish. "Fine. Go with the Spanish. Whatever," Lennox waives off Fig, he sounds tired as he speaks.

"Hey, you guys remember weekends? Huh? The Sox at Fenway. Cold hotdog and a flat beer," a soldier with glasses says, jumping into the conversation. This soldier is also a white man, but he has short blonde hair. His name is Donnelly.

"Perfect day," Fig sighs. He thinks back to similar moments from before his deployment. Fig turns to glance at Lennox, "What about you, Captain? You got a perfect day?"

"Nah, I just can't wait to hold my baby girl for the first time," Lennox says with a big smile on his face. All of the soldiers' Aww at Lennox's idea of a 'perfect day'.

"He's adorable," Donnelly teases.

"How precious," (Y/N) says in a baby voice.

"That's too-" Epps begins to say.

"Shut up," Lennox commands, but he still has a big smile on his face.

After an hour or two the helicopters land on the Qatar base. The backs open up and let all of the soldiers out. The troops start to walk toward a few trucks. Lennox and his crew walk together, talking and laughing.

"You sure you want to leave now? Sure you don't want to stick around longer and help keep these buffoons in check," Lennox jokes as he turns to (Y/N). The other members of the group hit Lennox and make comments at him causing (Y/N) to chuckle.

"I love being here with you guys. But I need a break from the heat, being shot at, and well... you guys," (Y/N) says as they readjust their duffle bag on their shoulder, laughing at the last thing they said. Epps gives them a small shove from the last comment causing them to laugh more.

"I still don't get how you were able to get off deployment early," Donnelly says, shaking his head. (Y/N) shrugs at his comment. The group makes it to a group of trucks.

"So what are your plans once you get home?" Fig tilts his head to look at his departing comrade.

"Ya, didn't you say your uncle was going to make your room into a mini gym?" Epps questions. They reach the trucks, Lennox and the other men of the group throw their bags in one of the trucks and turn to their friend.

(Y/N) has lived with their aunt and uncle since middle school, it was hard to get used to at first but their younger cousin made it a bit easier. (Y/N) thought back to when they first received their deployment. Their aunt was crying as they packed up, but their uncle wouldn't stop joking, probably to hide his own sadness, that he was going to make their room his new mini-gym. He only stopped when his wife got mad at him for 'throwing out their older child' as she phrased it.

(Y/N) shakes their head and chuckles, "Not sure. I probably do since my aunt would have flipped a lid at my uncle if he really did 'steal' my room." (Y/N) makes air quotes around steal.

Everyone lets out a small laugh. "You get home safe, you hear?" Lennox asks.

They give a salute, "Yes sir, Captain." (Y/N) says with a light laugh. Figg, Don, and Epps laughed as well.

"Tell Mahfoux, Sarah, and your little girl I say hi," (Y/N) says with a lop-sided smile.

Lennox chuckles and rolls his eyes jokingly, "Sure thing." Everyone starts to jump into the trucks, except for (Y/N).

"Don't have too much fun without me!" they yell. Everyone laughs and says their goodbyes. The trucks start up and begin to leave; they all wave bye to each other. Once the trucks are out of view (Y/N) walks off to a plane that will start their journey home. They make their way to the plane with other soldiers. Some small talk is made with the other soldiers until they make it to the stairs and go up them and into the plane.

(Y/N) reaches their seat and places their duffle bag under their chair before sitting down. Soon a voice comes over the intercom explaining that they will be leaving soon. (Y/N) gets themself comfortable while they wait. Once the plane begins to take off they go quiet and calmly sit till the captain speaks again saying it's ok to move around the cabin. (Y/N) lets out a yawn and decides to sleep, knowing they have a long trip ahead.

As they drifted off to sleep they were blissfully unaware of the danger their friends are about to be in as the sun went down...


After three long flights, (Y/N) finally made it to their local airport. They grab their bags and leave the plane, as they walk throughout the airport they are occasionally stopped by citizens saying thank you. (Y/N) tiredly makes their way outside and tries to find the taxi services.

They wait for a car to show up and after a few minutes, one does. The driver is an elderly man, he has white hair, a dark blue vest over a white dress shirt, dark brown eyes, and he also has a very kind smile. He rolls down his window.

"Hello there. Would you like a ride?" He asks kindly.

"That would be very appreciated sir," (Y/N) says, returning the smile.

They hear the trunk pop, "You can put your bags in the trunk." They put their duffle bag and other items in the back and then get into the car.

"Where are we off to?" The man turns his head to (Y/N). They give the kind man their home address.

"So where were ya stationed?" The man asked as he started to drive.

"I was in Qatar," (Y/N) answers as they look out the car window, watching everything go by.

"My, that sounds like a fun adventure. My grandson says he wants to join the military when he gets older."

(Y/N) talks to the older gentleman throughout the ride. They learn the man's name is Leo and that he did taxi driving so he could meet new people. After a 40-minute drive, they finally reach (Y/N)'s house. They leave the back of the car and get their things from the trunk. They walk back over to the front and hand Leo their money.

"Thank you so much, Leo, I enjoyed talking to you."

"The same to you. You enjoy your time being back home."

(Y/N) smiles and says goodbye. They walk to the door and wave to Leo as he leaves. (Y/N) sneaks inside their home before their aunt and uncle sees them.

"Aunt Judy, Uncle Ron I'm home!!"

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