Chapter 14: The Battle Begins

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The large group finally made their way into Mission City. Lennox and his team park off to the side near a pawn shop. The soldiers stand around waiting for Lennox to get back.

"Come on, let's go! Mount up!" Lennox yells as he exits the pawn shop with radios in his hands. He makes his way to the vehicle Epps is in and shoves the radios into his arms so he can climb into the driver's seat, "Here, I got shortwave radios." Epps looks at him both lost and confused, "Wait... What am I supposed to do with these?"

"Well, use them! It's all we got!" Lennox gets himself situated and then gets back to driving.

"This is like RadioShack dinosaur radios or something, man. I'm only gonna get 20 or 30 miles out of these things," Epps complains, "Are there any aircraft orbiting the city?" Just after Epps finishes asking, a lonely jet flies over them.

"F-22 at twelve o'clock," Epps points out.

"All right, I want planes for air cover and get Black Hawks on station to extract that Cube. You got it?" Lennox starts to explain to Epps what he wants to happen. The armed vehicles at the front stopped, causing everyone else to stop.

"Air Force has arrived! Pop smoke!" Lennox commands as he gets out of his vehicle. One of the men pulls out a smoke bomb and drops it to the side, it begins to let out green smoke. Epps gets out as well and tries to communicate with the jet, "Raptor, Raptor, do you copy? We have you visual. Green smoke is the mark. Provide air cover and vector Black Hawks for extraction." Everyone makes their way out of their vehicles and watches the skies, waiting for their help in the sky. They watch as the single jet curves itself around a building before heading back toward them. Ironhide sensed something was wrong and transformed, he looked closer and recognized the jet.

"It's Starscream!" He yelled.

"Please tell me you copy," Epps questioned through the radio, growing more worried the closer the jet got. Any civilians nearby began to scream and run in fear. Having the military prepared for a battle is scary enough but now there are massive transforming robots.

"Back up! Take cover!" Ironhide yells to the humans before calling Bumblebee for help. They run over to a large truck and begin to lift the front end up, trying to use it as a shield. (Y/N) watches the two bots before realizing what is about to happen. They yell for everyone to move away and try to hide.

"Back up! Back up!" Ironhide continues to yell.

"Retreat! Fall back!" Lennox yells simultaneously. Ironhide and Bee finish lifting up the truck as Starscream prepares to fire.

"Incoming!" Ironhide yells seconds before Starscream sends missiles at them. The first two miss but the third hits the truck directly, sending Ironhide and Bee flying in different directions as it explodes. The blast wave sent the humans flying back as well. Different soldiers yell out to see if anyone was hurt and to clear the area. Sam and Mikaela heard electronic noises that sounded like they were in pain, they stood up and looked around, and as the smoke cleared they saw Bumblebee but his legs were no longer attached to his body.

"Oh, my God. Bumblebee?" Sam says. They watch as Bee tries to crawl on the ground but lets out more sounds of pain, "No. Your legs! Your legs." Bee continues to try and crawl. Sam stands in front of him trying to help. Jazz is behind him and starts to get in the way so he tells him to back up.

"You all right?" Sam asks him as he punches the ground in pain.

"Please get up. Bumblebee? Get up!" Sam continues to beg, he turns to try and yells out for Ratchet, hoping he can help Bee.

Multiple soldiers were pinned down by debris or injured during the blast and now laying on the ground everywhere. Lennox hurries over to a pile of debris that Epps and (Y/N) are hiding behind before shoving (Y/N) and yelling, "What the hell was that?!"

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