Chapter 5: Party Time

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Sam gets to a light and instead of going straight, he turns left. (Y/N) raises an eyebrow at this, "Sam? Why did you turn, isn't the lake that way?" (Y/N) gestures the way they were meant to go.

"It is. There's just... someone I want to bring along," Sam says as he keeps his eyes on the road. His voice had a slight tremble to it, almost as if he was nervous. (Y/N) listens to Sam, still a bit confused.

"What? Who would you be..." A light bulb goes off inside of their head, and they turn to Sam with an unamused face, "Please for the love of God tell me we are NOT picking up that weirdo you call a friend." Sam doesn't say a word and avoids looking at (Y/N).

"Sssaaaammmm..." (Y/N) starts.

"Yes, we are picking up Miles. But I need him (Y/N), he's like my wingman," Sam tries to defend.

"Why the hell would Miles be your wingman? He's weird and annoying." (Y/N) says with confusion.

"I know, but he's my friend." Sam parks in front of Miles's house and pulls out his phone, telling Miles to come outside.

"You barely even talked to him last I remember. Honestly, when was the last time you talked or hung out with him?"

"I did last week." Sam sees (Y/N)'s face, their expression basically says, 'Really?' Sam looks away and rubs the back of his neck. "Ok, so it was in class for a group assignment. But I think that counts?"

"No. Not really."

Before the conversation could continue Miles comes running outside. He slams the front door to his house and goes up to the passenger window, he leans inside of it due to the window being rolled down.

"Yo, dude, nice ride!"

"Thanks, Miles. You want to hop in so we can head over to the lake?" Sam points his thumb behind him, gesturing to the back seat.

"Hell ya, dude!" Miles lifts off the window and sees (Y/N) slightly glaring at him, but he seems too blind to realize, "Hey, (Y/N), welcome home! You know, you look'in pretty fly today." (Y/N) just rolls their eyes and opens the door to let him climb into the back. (Y/N) grumbles under their breath loud enough for Sam to hear, "I'm gonna beat his ass if he does anything to piss me off."

The drive to the lake was relatively quiet until Miles decided to talk.

"Dude, are you sure we're invited to this party?" He leans forward between the front seats. (Y/N) sends a glare at Miles for getting so close, but once again, he doesn't notice.

"Of course, Miles. It's a lake. Public property," Sam explains. They finally reach the lake and see a bunch of their classmates talking and hanging out around the lake. Sam finds a place to park his car and looks through the windshield to see his crush, Mikaela.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God, guys, Mikaela's here. Just don't do anything weird, all right? I'm good, right?" Sam says with a panicked voice, he climbs out of his seat, closing his car door before messing with his shirt.

"Don't do anything weird? Say that to blondie back there," (Y/N) grumbles and gestures their head to Miles while getting out of the car as well.

"Yeah, you're good," Miles answers Sam's question, patting him on the back for confidence. They notice that Mikaela isn't alone, she is with her trashy jock boyfriend, Trent. Trent notices the trio and watches them.

"Hey, guys, check it out," Trent says to his friends. Mikaela comes up behind him and hugs his waist, "Oh, hi," He says to her before yelling at Sam, "Hey, bro. That car. It's nice. Hey. So, what are you guys doing here?" As Trent is talking Miles throws off his jacket and climbs up the tree next to him. (Y/N) shakes their head at Miles and turns to hear what Trent is saying to Sam as he gets closer.

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