Chapter 7: Chase

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Everyone left the police station. Ron, Sam, and (Y/N) went back to their house. Sam got an ear full from his parents but after some lies, and (Y/N) helping with persuading them, Sam got out of it without too much trouble, he just had to do more chores.

The day passed quickly and the weekend began. (Y/N) was chilling in the kitchen, getting some food, and listening to the news on the radio. Sam was in his room watching TV and playing with a few basketballs.

"It was an awesome spectacle here an hour ago when over forty C-17s lifted off of this very base. We're not told where they're going," the news anchor says on the TV. Sam makes his way downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning, (Y/N). Morning, Mo." Sam throws a towel over his shoulder. Mojo is sitting on a tall stool next to the kitchen counter. "Morning," (Y/N) says from the island, not looking up from their bowl of cereal.

"The government has been very quiet about what's going on but in our vision-"

"Mojo. Mojo." Sam repeats as he looks through the fridge. Mojo jumps from the stool onto the counter to look out the window.

"They were headed directly towards North Korea." The news person on the radio finishes. Mojo is looking outside and starts barking.

"Stop with the barking, Mojo. It's too early. Please?" Sam starts to say before an engine is heard. (Y/N) freezes mid-bite and Sam drops his jug of milk with a gasp. He runs away from any windows and calls someone.

"Miles? Miles, listen to me. Listen. My car, it stole itself, okay?"

Miles is in the middle of bathing his dog in a small kiddie pool when Sam calls him. He uses a mic on a set of earbuds connected to his phone, "What are you talking about, man?"

(Y/N) grabs Mojo to stop his barking and rushes over to Sam, they hand over the dog and run off to their room to grab one of their handguns, thinking they might need it.

"Satan's Camaro. In my yard. It's stalking me," Sam's voice rises and cracks in fear. He ends his call and puts Mojo down and runs to the front door, (Y/N) meeting him there.

Sam and (Y/N) run outside, Sam grabs his mom's bike and (Y/N) grabs Ron's bike from where they left it two nights ago. They run to the street, the car following them across the grass. "Stop!" Sam screams as he sees his car, with no driver, following him and his cousin on the sidewalk. They continue to ride and end up in a busier part of town. The car weaves between other vehicles to make sure to stay close behind the two.

Sam and (Y/N) make a hard turn right and go onto the sidewalk. Sam is a bit ahead of (Y/N) and doesn't notice the raised concrete. Sam screams as he is flipped over his bike and lands hard on his back, the air being knocked out of him. (Y/N) grabs the brake handle and skids the tires to avoid falling like Sam. They look behind them and see the car stopped at the corner.

"Oh, my God!" They hear voices from the outside dining next to them. (Y/N) glances over to see Mikaela with a small group of her friends. They are staring and laughing at Sam.

"Sam?" Mikaela asks. Sam grunts in pain, he leans up on his elbows and looks over at Mikaela.

"Oh, hi."

"That was, uh, that was really... awesome."

"Uh, well, it felt awesome." Sam grunts and flips over. (Y/N) kicks out the bike stand and hurries over to help Sam stand.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not okay, all right? I'm losing my mind a little bit. We're getting chased by my car right now. Got to go." Sam picks up his bike and (Y/N) grabs theirs before they hurry off. Mikaela sits there for a bit, looking back and forth in confusion.

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