Chapter 9: Hunt for the Glasses

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Judy and Ron are in their living room. They are eating dinner while watching the news. "Whatever fell out of the sky ended up right behind-" the male news reporter starts to explain a crash site at a store. Ron starts to get calls from a few people asking what they think happened. "What did he say?" Judy asks, not looking away from the screen.

"Huh? What?"

"Did he hear it, too?"

"Yeah, Jack heard it, too. Huh. Yeah." Ron answers and continues to listen to the man on the other side of the phone.

"What does he think it is?"

"He thinks it's a military experiment."

"Pfft. What a knucklehead," Judy says with a roll of the eyes, "If it was a military experiment (Y/N) would know."

"Yeah, well, I think it's a plane," Ron tells the guy on the other line, not really hearing Judy's last comment.

The Autobots make their way toward Sam and (Y/N)'s house. Optimus is in the lead, Bee behind him, and the others in a line after.

"Still no official word as to what happened. You can see the fire-" A female reporter explains the same scene as a man walks behind her. "Yeah!" he yells, giving two thumbs up to the camera.

"Call Sam and (Y/N)," Judy says with a hint of nervousness in her voice. Ron turns to her confused. "Yeah. Why?"

"They should be home in fifteen minutes."

"Well, I'll call them in fifteen minutes. No, I've-" Ron starts to talk to the guy on the phone again before Judy interrupts him, "If you wait fifteen minutes, they'll be late and you'll have to ground them."

"Well, I can't ground them if they're not late, can I?" Ron ends his conversation with his wife as the reporter continues, "-Meteor or something came over."

Bee gets in front of Optimus so he can guide the group through a path that leads between Sam's house and the neighbor's. Bee finally stops and parks when he is next to the shed. Everyone shuffles their way out of the car. Sam shuts his door before speaking to Mikaela, "I need you to stay here, all right? You got to stay here and you're gonna watch them."

"All of them. Do you hear what I'm saying?" Sam continues to explain to Mikaela. "Yeah, okay, okay." She tries to ease his worries. "Five minutes, all right?" (Y/N) jogs over to Sam's side as they raise their hand to show '5'.

Sam and (Y/N) run to the side gate, open it, and sprint into the yard not staying on Ron's path. "Thanks for staying on my path." Ron's voice is full of sarcasm. He is standing at the screen door, watching the two of them. Ron starts to open the door, but Sam sprints faster and slams the door shut. "Oh, yeah. No, no, Dad. Hey! The, oh, the path. I'm sorry. I forgot about the path. I'm gonna sweep the whole thing right now. How about that?" Sam and (Y/N) are panting but try their best to hide it.

"You know, I buy half your car-" Ron starts to explain to Sam.


"Then I bail you out of jail and then I just decided to do all your chores." They stare at Ron with wide eyes. "The chores. Oh," Sam mumbles under his breath, remembering he was chased out of the house before he could do any.

"Yeah. Life is great, huh?" Ron continues his sarcastic voice. (Y/N) starts to hear metal and gears grinding and quickly turns to where they left the alien robots. Sam hears this as well and looks over. They see Prime's upper body lift up over the shed.

"Life, well, life is fantastic, is how good it is. It's so-" Sam starts to talk but his mind goes blank from panic, so (Y/N) steps in, "Oh, the trash cans. Sorry, Uncle Ron. I'm gonna do the trash cans while Sam sweeps." Sam starts to nod his head in agreement.

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