Chapter 10: Sector 7?

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(Y/N) makes it into the kitchen and slides over to the counter where Sam's backpack is lazily placed and quickly digs through it to find the glasses. Sam and Mikaela make their way into the kitchen once (Y/N) has the glasses case in their hands.

"Oh, yes. Okay. Okay. Yeah." Sam reaches for the case, opens it, and takes the glasses out before he turns to Mikaela and (Y/N), "I want you to distract my parents while I slip out and get these glasses to them, okay?" Before anyone could move, an aggressive doorbell ringing was heard. Ron goes to the front door and opens it. The group in the kitchen tries to listen in, but the voices are muffled until they hear Judy yell about people being all over the yard. They slowly make their way out of the kitchen. (Y/N) is in the front, a hand on their gun in case they need it.

"What the heck is going on here?" They hear Ron yell at someone. They poke their heads around the kitchen doorway to see a group of men in black suits make their way inside. The 'leader' seems to be a man in his 40's or 50's and he has short black hair.

"Your son filed a stolen car report the other night. We think it's involved in a national security matter." All the kids freeze, knowing what the man is talking about.

"National security?" Ron questions the man, thinking he is crazy. Judy can be heard farther in the house screaming about her roses being ripped out of the ground.

"That's right. National security," The man calmly says, he turns and ends up facing the direction of the young group, they quickly duck back behind the walls to avoid being seen yet. Judy and Ron start to scream and yell at the intruders surrounding and damaging their property. The strange man turns to one of his men asking them to collect something. The kids take this moment to start moving down the hallway, toward the commotion.

"They're pulling bushes out of the ground! Good Lord! They've got to get their hands off my bush!" Judy finally has enough and lifts her bat, ready to smack the shit out of some people. She walks next to the weird guy and he grabs her bat, "Drop the bat, ma'am." Ron starts to get protective and tries to step closer to the two when a minion makes Ron stop.

"I'm carrying a loaded weapon," Weird Guy continues. He takes the bat out of Judy's hands before she glares at him, "You'd better get those guys out of my garden or I'm gonna beat the crap out of them!" Weird Guy ignores her threat and uses a small flashlight to look at her eyes.

"Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Aching joints? Fever?" he asks her. She tells him no as the trio finally makes it into the living room. (Y/N) is still in the front but the high schoolers are close behind, trying to see everything that is going on.

"What is this?" (Y/N) asks as they glare at the strangers in their home. The adults turn and look at the group. Weird Guy has a big smile on his face, which looks extremely fake, as he tosses Judy's bat to one of his minions.

"How you doing, son? Is your name Sam?" He asks. Completely ignoring everyone else. Sam looks around with confusion and fear before peaking past his cousin's shoulder to answer him, "Yeah."

"Well, I need you to come with us." Weird Guy starts to walk towards Sam. (Y/N) glares at the man, unholsters their gun, and tries to completely block his view of Sam.

"Whoa, way out of line." Ron walks over to them and stands slightly in front of (Y/N) and Sam, Judy joins her husband in protecting their kids.

"Sir, I am asking politely. Back off." Weird Guy continues to smile, but not as 'brightly' as before. He seems to be losing his patients but is trying to stay calm. "You're not taking my son." As Ron talks Mojo ended up joining the growing group, he barked and growled at the strangers.

"Really? You gonna try to get rough with us?"

"No, but I'm gonna call the cops because there's something fishy going on around here." As Ron and Judy glare at the man Sam appears to be shaking.

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