Chapter 11: Capture

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Before the kids could reach the alien robots loud engines and helicopter blades could be heard. And they were quickly getting closer. Sam looks around in fear, wondering what to do next.

"Optimus! Incoming!" Ironhide yells before slamming his cannon arm to the ground sending out a shockwave that explodes multiple car tires.

"Roll out," Optimus instructs the other bots. They began to shift and transform into their vehicle modes, and the kids sprinted toward them.

"Up you get," Optimus says as he lowers his hand for the three humans to jump on. They get onto his hand and he lifts them to his shoulder before activating his battle mask. The helicopters start to get closer to him, he thinks about running under a bridge, but more of them are closing in. He decides to run off into the city, hoping to lose them long enough to get away or hide.

Optimus runs down a populated street, keeping an eye on the ground to make sure he doesn't step on any vehicles. The helicopters continued to follow. While the helicopters are distracted by the swerving cars, Optimus quickly turns a corner and the helicopters give up and fly off to try and find him. Optimus makes his way under a tall bridge and climbs up underneath, He barely gets his feet up and out of view when the helicopters make their way under.

"Easy, you three," Optimus softly speaks. He looks over to them, making sure they are holding on. The three humans stare at the helicopters, fearing what might happen if they are found. In their panic, Mikaela tries to shuffle back but ends up slipping. Sam grabs her and starts to slip as well. (Y/N) quickly grabs Sam's hand, holding onto one of Optimus's exhaust pipes with the other.

"No! No, Sam! Sam, don't drop me! I'm slipping! I'm slipping!" Mikaela screams as she holds onto Sam's hand and sleeve with a death grip. (Y/N) can feel their hand slipping, they desperately try to hold on, but their grip becomes weak and the kids begin their descent to the concrete ground.

"Hold on!" Optimus yells and swings his legs down in an attempt to catch them, instead they just slam against his foot and continue to fall.

They scream, thinking these are their last moments alive before they hear someone transforming and are quickly caught before hitting the ground. They roll and slide for a moment before stopping and seeing that Bumblebee was the one to save them. But in their moment of panic, no one noticed the glasses falling to the ground.

The helicopters turn around and start to head toward Bee. He quickly sets the humans back on their feet before standing in front of them. One of the helicopters launches something at Bee and it wraps around his arm

"Stop! Stop! Wait! No!" Sam cries out as the helicopter spins around, pulling Bee's arm with it. Bee lets out electronic squealing as he starts to get scared. The group notices another helicopter readying up to fire at Bee

"Noooo!" (Y/N) screams. They fire and get Bee's other arm, he lets out more screams and cries. The helicopters quickly fire, grabbing Bee's legs, causing him to fall. Bee screams and pulls his limbs trying desperately to free himself.

"No! Stop! Stop!" Sam yells as more black vehicles rush towards them. They trap the kids and Bee inside a circle, their headlights almost blinding them.

"Get down on the ground!" someone yells over a megaphone. A group of heavily armored men rushes to the three humans yelling for them to get down at gunpoint, so they comply while raising their hands. They get shoved to the ground and the men attempt to detain them. They look up to see Bee trying to escape the cords and the humans blasting him with something while never trying to hurt them.

"Look, he's not fighting back!" Sam yells while Bee lets out squeals of pain. They heard someone yelling to freeze him and more men walked up to Bee with the weird machines. The kids get lifted off the ground, the armored men hold their wrists behind them while pushing them to the cars.

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