Chapter 15: The Right Moment

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They continued to watch the fight, it looked like the two bots were evenly matched. The fight started to turn, Megatron started to get the upper hand. It looked as if he was starting to win when they heard gunfire being shot at him.

"Come on Sam!' (Y/N) yells and pushes Sam out of their hiding spot, they begin to run towards Optimus's injured body across the street. Two of the jets make their way over to the fight and fire at Megatron. The explosions scared Sam causing him to fall backward, (Y/N) stopped to help him. They turned to see more jet fire at Megatron. Megatron tried to run but the missile fire and gunfire were relentless, sending him to the ground. Megatron was being pelted with attacks as he got closer and closer to the two humans, (Y/N) grabbed Sam's arm and pulled him to his feet, and they sprinted over to Optimus.

Optimus tried to get up but ended up revealing Sam and (Y/N). Megatron attempted to run at them, but Optimus was quicker and swung his leg out to trip him. Megatron flipped over Optimus, the vibrations causing Sam and (Y/N) to stumble to the ground. Megatron glared at them before growling out, "I'll kill you!' and started to crawl toward them while they crawled backward.

"Mine! All-Spark!" Megatron continued to yell.

"Sam! Put the Cube in my chest! Now!" Optimus starts to demand. Sam and (Y/N) look back at Optimus before looking at each other. (Y/N) nodded at Sam, signaling that this was their moment. They stand up, facing Megatron instead of Optimus, "Sam! (Y/N)!"

Together they lift the Cube toward Megatron's chest where it begins to be absorbed. Optimus yelled at them, but they ignored him. They watched as the Cube burned red hot and was melting Megatron. They held on tightly until the Cube vanished into Megatron's chest. Megatron jumped up, he tried to claw at his chest to only find the center of his chest melting. He stares at his hand before falling to his knees. He looks at Sam and (Y/N) before yelling and falling to his back. He lays there, writhing in pain. Optimus pushes himself to his feet and walks towards Megatron just as his bright red eyes go out.

"You left me no choice... brother," Optimus sadly says while looking down at Megatron. Lennox and his team carefully walk closer while Ratchet and Ironhide make their way over as well, Ironhide is carrying the ripped-in-half remains of Jazz.

Optimus turns to Sam and (Y/N) and gets down to their level before speaking, "Sam, (Y/N), I owe you my life. We are in your debt." Optimus gets back to his feet as Mikaela comes driving up with Bee hitched to the back. Mikaela gets out of the truck and walks around the car to find Sam. Ironhide slowly makes his way over to Optimus, delicately handing him Jazz.

"Prime, we couldn't save him."

"Oh, Jazz... We lost a great comrade," Optimus sadly says while looking at his friend's remains before turning to face the crowd of humans and Autobots, "But gained new ones. Thank you. All of you. You honor us with your bravery."

"Permission to speak, sir?" Bumblebee asks through his radio. Optimus nods. "Permission granted, old friend."

"You speak now?" Sam points at Bee, shocked. (Y/N) softly elbows Sam to get his attention. "He's still using the radio," they whisper.

"I wish to stay with the boy," Bee asks as he looks down at Sam.

"If that is his choice." Optimus and the others all look at Sam for an answer. Sam looks at Bee, and with very little hesitation, he says yes.

(Y/N) looks behind them to see Optimus gently hand Jazz to Ratchet before leaning down to Megatron's body. They watch as he reaches towards the cooling center of Megatron's chest and pulls out a large fragment of the Cube, part of it is still burning red hot. Optimus looks at the fragment before holding it tightly in his hand.


Defence Secretary Sharp sits in a room with multiple people of power as he explains the future of Sector Seven and the Decepticon remains.

"Gentlemen, the President has ordered Sector Seven... be terminated and the remains of the dead aliens- disposed of. The Laurentian Abyss is seven miles below sea level, deepest place on our planet. The massive depth and pressure there, coupled with subfreezing temperatures, would crush and entomb them, leaving no evidence."

"With the All Spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And fate has yielded its reward," Optimus monologues to himself as he and the other Autobots sit around on a familiar hill full of dead grass and a small tree that Bee stopped at many days before. Sam and Mikaela were cuddled together on top of Bee's hood and (Y/N) was sitting on the grass near Ratchet and Ironhide to watch the sunset, "A new world to call home. We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting... I have witnessed their capacity for courage. And though we are worlds apart. Like us, there's more to them... than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime. And I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We... are waiting."

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