Something Immediately

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Summary: Tired of yours and Jack's back and forth, you put yourself out there

Pairings: Jack O'Malley X Reader

Rating: explicit

Warnings: separated parents, mentions of divorce, therapy, explicit sexual content, language, unprotected sex, PIV sex, creampie, cockwarming, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 2.8K

A/N: yes I know that we don't know much about Red One, BUT Chris posted his character's name today, and I have been ITCHING to get this story out, and since we got it before Christmas, and this will be a Christmas movie...I had to go ahead and put it out there. I love this man's work so much I can't wait for the movie to come out to write about these characters. It'll be fun to see how close to the character this one is. It's based off his look completely. Jack O'Malley is the one you love, and you can't seem to make it work out despite that love. And you just can't seem to let him go....

"Mom!" You hear your son shout as him and Jack walk through the door

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"Mom!" You hear your son shout as him and Jack walk through the door. "Mom!" You walk down the stairs from changing his sheets to see Jack's hands on Finn's shoulders, giving them a little squeeze, smiling up at you. "Mom! Dad and Cal let me ride in the back of the cop car."

"That's nice, bud," you give him a kiss on the cheek, and he stares waiting to see how you react to Jack. "I'm glad you had a good time with your dad. Why don't you go shower and change, I've got to take you to your grandma's," he throws his head back, but ventures up the stairs. Stopping to watch you walk away from his dad.

"You want to go ahead and make a comment about him being in the back of the cop car," Jack says following you into the kitchen. Grabbing the coffee pot from you, before making his own mug. Most would think he was too comfortable in here, but this was once his home as well.

"I didn't say anything," you offer him a smile, before taking a slow drink.

"You don't want to complain that he was in the back?"

"Jack, you're the one making a big deal about this. Not me."

"Ugh," he lets his head drop into his hands, "We've got an appointment today, don't we?"

"If it's not important to you, then I can make it a solo appointment."

He rolls his fingers onto the table, and looks around the small kitchen. Things hadn't changed. His seat at the table now dusty, and he didn't have his special snacks in the pantry, but it was still your home together, "Peach, you know this is important. It's just that..."

"You have something more important?"

"That's not fair."

"Jack," you answer slowly, listening to make sure the water was still running, "Why are we here?"

"Because I don't want any more kids. Finn is perfect."

"That was one of our problems. Another is you didn't make time for us. You spend more time with our son than you ever did while you lived here. Does that seriously not bother you? He adores you. You can do no wrong, neither can Callum. But no, you would rather blame it on the fact that I want another baby, and so I pushed you away," he raises his eyebrows grimacing at you, and you let out an exasperated breath.

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