That Was A Promise

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Summary: another date with Dean, but this time you get caught

Pairings: Dean Winchester X Reader, Jack O'Malley X Callum Drift

Rating: explicit

Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, PIV sex, some dirty talk, mentions of divorce, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 4.3K

Jack leaves his son's side quickly to go into the interrogation room

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Jack leaves his son's side quickly to go into the interrogation room. This was not at all what he signed on for. Robyn knew the rules. She was never to come here to see him under any circumstance. And of course she would show up on a day that you were going to be here any minute, and a day that Finn was here.

He slings the door open, and stands staring at her with his hands on his hips, "Jack, I, uh...why are you angry?"

"The correct question is why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you. I thought..."

"Look," Jack starts. He looks out of the room to see that Cal's massive body was blocking Finn's view. "I don't know what you think this is,'s not what you're thinking."

"What am I thinking?" Robyn asks. Her mouth turns up to a devilish smirk. "What exactly am I thinking Jackie?"

"I asked you never to call me that. I asked you not to show up at my place of work. You know that my son is here, and that my wife," Robyn, makes a gasp looking up at him, "Yes, my wife. You know she comes here to pick him up. You are not to be here."

"So I'm your dirty little secret?"

"What secret?"

"We're dating."

"No, we're not," Robyn nods her head a few times, and Jack slaps his hand on the desk. "We're not dating. My wife and I are working through some things."

"Then why the fuck are you calling me? Why do we go out to eat when it's not your weekend? Why do you..."

"I get fucking lonely, okay? And this was a mistake. Of all people, it shouldn't have been you I turned to, and I'm the fool for that. But dating? We haven't even held hands, or kissed, and I've never even slept with you. You've never stayed at my apartment."

"Because anytime I ask, you tell me that you've got Finn, and I know for a fact you don't."

Jack stands up straighter, and takes a step back from her. "How do you know? You do not involve my child."

"Maybe that's why your wife is leaving you, Jack. You want everything. Want to fuck her, but you have better conversations with me. You said that she always wanted something more from you. Always wanted you to be at home when sometimes you wanted to be out with the guys. I'd allow you to do that. But you need to get a grip on reality, she's leaving you."

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