Meeting Jack

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Summary: You and Jack instantly connect

Pairings: Jack O'Malley X Reader

Rating: explicit

Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, PIV sex, unprotected sex, pull out, squirting, unexpected pregnancy, mentions of an abortion, sweet!Jack, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 3.8K

A/N: so I got an ask about Jack and reader in the beginning, and this was originally going to be a drabble...but it didn't turn out to be. These two are something else, but at least it gives you an insight as to what they're fighting for, and their sweetest stage of the beginning of the relationship.

You take a sip of your beer as your eyes roam the bar, dumped again by a jerk who wasn't worth your time, but now here you sit on a Friday night with your best friend TJ scoping out the bar, "Why are we here?" You whine looking up at him

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You take a sip of your beer as your eyes roam the bar, dumped again by a jerk who wasn't worth your time, but now here you sit on a Friday night with your best friend TJ scoping out the bar, "Why are we here?" You whine looking up at him.

"You said you wanted to get laid."

"Did not," before you can even pout, TJ covers your face with his hand. Already spotting a man he had been eyeing again.

"Being seen with you is not helping my game."

"Fine, then leave me," he turns, looking at you, narrowing his eyes, and starts shaking his head. "We came here for me to find someone as desperate as me to have sex, and go on about our lives, but now you're eye fucking some hot man at the bar."

"Guilt tripping?"

"Yep," you answer, popping the p. "Find me a man."

"That one," he points out quickly, and you turn to glare at him. He wasn't your type at all. "Are you looking to get fucked or looking to get married?"

"Why not both?"

"No!" He playfully bonks you on the head. "You don't marry the first guy you see at a bar."

"I'm not interested in the first guy. Find me another," you look back at the bar to see the man you actually were sizing up. He was just your type. A bit rugged, drank beer, boots, leather, and one that kept looking back at you. Confused as to why you were checking him out when you clearly had a man with you.

"Fine, then why don't you go talk to Mr. Mysterious and his giant friend."

"I am not interested in the giant friend."

"No, you're interested in a man that looks like he has ten layers on," you give him a whack to his arm, but look the man up and down again. You couldn't see, but it looked like he had a cute ass. He gives a stretch, and another look over at you before his friend and him go over to the pool tables. "Don't look at his ass."

"A good ass is the way to my heart," you respond, lifting up off your chair, and yes, a perfectly rounded tush. "I want that."

"Go get that. One night," getting in front of you, TJ puts both hands on your shoulder, "I know you. One night."

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