Still The One For You?

106 2 4


Pairings: Jack O'Malley X Reader

Rating: mild

Warnings: language, drinking, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 4.2K

"So Cal is coming over here before I leave?"

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"So Cal is coming over here before I leave?"

"Yes, baby," you tell Finn as he hops down from the stool, walking up behind you to grab a few blocks of cheese.

"And I get to tell him my Christmas list?" He smiles, popping a piece of cheese in his mouth. "Can we have a dog here? Our last house we couldn't."

"Is that what you're asking for from Cal? You know he knows Santa personally?" This was one of your favorite things every year. Finn trying to figure out what he was going to ask Santa Cal to tell the real Santa Claus. Cal made his Christmas wishes come true every year.

"That did not answer my question. I always get to ask for three things. If we can't have a dog here, I'm not wasting an ask. So can we have a dog here?" He puts another block of cheese in his mouth, grabbing up some grapes, and you boop his nose. "Mom! I want a dog."

"And you need to quit eating Cal's cheese."

"He'll let me. Can I stay this year?" You shake your head no, laughing when he throws his head back, "It's because you got the beer in the fridge, huh? The one in the garage?"

"We can have dogs at this house, now go make sure you have clothes packed to stay at Gramma and Grampa's."

"You're ignoring the beer comment," you give him a little swat to his butt, pushing him towards the stairs as Jack walks out of the bathroom with his shirt undone, and you spin to return to the boards.

"Does this shirt look okay?" He asks with a smirk. He knew exactly what he was doing. You had been married to him long enough to know he was trying to make you thirsty, and he was succeeding. "Thanks for letting me use the shower here. It's just easier. You didn't want this shirt to sleep in did you?"

"Shut up," you snort. You are too concerned in making Cal's charcuterie boards perfect. At least it gave you a distraction. Because Jack looked amazing. Things seemed almost like a normal family. Sending you son upstairs, while your hot husband was finishing getting dressed out of the bedroom, just so you could see his stomach.

"So which shirts do you prefer to sleep in?"

"The ones that aren't on your body. Go on, and help Finn pack up."

"So where am I sleeping tonight? There's not enough beds..."

"Jack!" You giggle, finally turning around to look at him. My god, he was handsome. Too sexy for his own good. "Finn!"

"I'm just saying. If the giant and his girlfriend are staying, we're really limited to sleeping arrangements. Unless Cal and TJ sleep together. Cal can be the big spoon," Jack was enjoying your minor misery. Flirting with you, while you ignored all his questions about where he was going to sleep. He knew he was going to end up in your bed, even if nothing else happened.

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