He Was Just There

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Summary: You and TJ go out, and Jack and Callum show up

Pairings: Jack O'Malley X Reader, TJ Hammond X Reader, Mickey Henry X Reader

Rating: explicit

Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, PIV sex, one night stand, mentions of divorce, tears, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 4.4K

"Hey!" Jack says excitedly when you call

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"Hey!" Jack says excitedly when you call. You never call on your weekend, "Wait, is something wrong? Is Finn okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine," you hated this. Hated every bit of it, and missed when life was just simple. When you could call him because you missed the sound of his voice. "TJ was wanting to go out tonight, and it's my weekend. Finn wants to spend the night with my parents, but I wanted to check and see if you wanted him?"

"Oh," he hesitates, looking over at Cal. "Um, I already had plans."

"It's okay. I just wanted to give you that option. Also, wanted to talk to you about maybe getting him on a weekday. He misses you. Maybe have a night or two of dinners at the house? You're better at math anyways."

It felt normal and strained all at the same time. Felt so forced, and it almost felt like you were holding onto whatever strings you had left of your family. "You know I want to spend as much time with him as possible," it was one of the few things you wanted from Jack. An available father. "So where's the dynamic duo going tonight?"

"We're going out," he was such a slime ball sometimes, always trying to trick you into telling him where you were going. You knew he was going to be doing his own research, and he would find you.

"Hmm," he playfully chides you. "I'm guessing you two are dressing in all black, TJ is going to have his fancy little martinis, and you can't even fake classy like that when it comes to your alcohol, you're going to have a bottle of beer in your hand, and you'll be dancing up a storm. Just stay away from pool tables."

Both of you sigh, remembering happier times between the two of you. It was bittersweet to think that it all started with a pool table, drinks, and TJ and Callum. "You and Cal have fun tonight. I'm picking the boy up tomorrow, and we're going to see a movie," you leave it open for a second, hoping that he will invite himself. Unsure of why you did it. But there was still a deep longing for your family. For your husband. You just couldn't trust him.

"If you're going to go see the latest Batman movie, do you mind if I tag along?"

"You better ask our son. I need to get him to my parents, and get ready. Have fun, Jack."

"You, too," he clicks off, and puts his phone on his chin thinking. Contemplating everything that you had said, before jumping up and looking at your social medias.

"What are you doing?" Cal asks, peeking around Jack's shoulder. "Get off her page."

"Her and TJ are going out tonight," he says, clicking through your recent activity. Nothing. You were a ghost online, but not TJ. TJ wants everyone to know that he's having more fun than everyone else.

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