With Your Family

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Summary: you have a date with Jack

Pairings: Jack O'Malley X Reader

Rating: mild

Warnings: language, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 4.5K

Jack lies awake on the couch

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Jack lies awake on the couch. Staring up at the ceiling just thinking about everything that had happened. You had kicked him out of the bedroom, but you agreed to a date. A date that he asked you on, and he had no idea what he should do. He wanted it to be romantic, but still be a bit of fun. He was cutting it close. Tomorrow was the day before Christmas Eve and there really wasn't much else to do. His fingers tap on his belly as he tries to rack his brain on any ideas, before he throws the blanket off him, and sits up.

He was going to regret sleeping on this couch, and he wasn't getting anywhere with his thoughts. The one person that seemed to have the best ideas in all of this was just right upstairs. It wasn't even eleven o'clock. Your TV had something softly playing in the background, and he had no way of knowing if you were asleep or not.

Pushing himself off the couch, he slowly tiptoes upstairs. Letting Finn's door creak open, and he flops over to look at him, "If I had a dog you wouldn't have been able to sneak up the stairs like that."

"I'm sorry, buddy. I couldn't sleep. The couch isn't too comfortable," Finn scoots over in his bed, giving the other side a little tap. "I was just coming to check on you."

"Dad, just get over here. Why can't you sleep?"

Jack lays down in his son's bed, and pulls the covers over his body. His nightlight was casting stars on the ceiling, and Jack turns to look at him, "I think a dog bed over in that corner would be nice."

"Yeah, but he's still sleeping on my bed. You're ignoring my question like mom does. Why can't you sleep?"

"I asked your mom on a date," Finn lets out a little shrill giggle, and he turns to face his dad. "And I realized I know nothing about asking her on a date. I don't know what to do. I feel like you have spent more time with her than I have."

"Because I have. She's my mom. You've been living at the apartment, and it's just been me and her, and sometimes TJ."

"Okay, so I know she's mentioned that new Italian place with the fresh pasta, so I wanna take her there, but then what? Just dinner isn't enough, huh?"

Finn shakes his head no, but he already had the perfect idea. Tomorrow is the day he always spends with your parents baking, and wrapping the presents he had got for you and Jack. "It's the last day of the winter festival."

"Tell me more."

"They have those tables with the things to buy, hot chocolate, walk through Christmas lights, and good food. Mom likes things like that. Being able to walk around slowly and buy things from locals. The arts and crafts stuff. She likes that. They have a band. Do that after dinner or just that. It's Christmas. Mom says Christmas calories don't count."

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