Once Called His

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Summary: Things did not go well for Jack, and things went great for you and Nick

Pairings: Jack O'Malley X Reader, Nick Fowler X Reader

Rating: explicit

Warnings: language, discussions about cheating, explicit sexual content, oral sex (F receiving), fingering, squirting, spitting, choking, multiple orgasms, implied dumbification, implied objectification, cocky!Nick Fowler, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 4.8K

Nervously you busy yourself, doing anything, before Jack arrives to pick up Finn

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Nervously you busy yourself, doing anything, before Jack arrives to pick up Finn. Had swept the house multiple times. Vacuumed and vacuumed again. Mopped until you were light headed from the cleaning supplies, and still you couldn't sit still. A constant beating and banging of Finn's drums, and honestly it makes you want to scream. Thrilled when Jack just walks into the house without knocking.

Walking into the kitchen to see you unloading the dishwasher. Again. He takes a deep breath, and dramatically coughs at the lingering clean smell, before sitting down at the bar, "What's the deal with the cleaning?"

"I'm getting the stench of loneliness out of this house," you answer shortly. Continuing about your business.

Jack's finger taps on the counter, hissing through his teeth. "Can we talk?"

"Is that not what we're doing?"

"No, I say something, and you snap back. That's different."

"Well, what do you want me to say Jack?" You go to make a cup of coffee, and Jack walks over to you, pointing at the stools. "What do you want?"

"I'm going to make you a cup of coffee," while you roll your eyes, he moves around to the machine, and spins on his heels to stare at you. "I messed up."

"Mhmm. We established that nearly a year ago."

"Can we go back to sessions?" You shake your head no, but his face doesn't change from his determination. "Why?"

"We tried Jack. I tried. While I was trying you were getting text messages at three o'clock in the morning from that woman. Doesn't take a genius to figure out your late night bootie calls. So while I'm at home asleep, with your son upstairs, you're getting your dick wet with some whore that you promised you would never speak to again. So why should we go back to therapy? I filed for divorce. You were served. I'm done."

He grimaces a moment before he blurts out, "I never had sex her."

"Oh? So what were you doing?"

"Talking. That's it."

"Hmm, you know, I think I liked the idea of you having meaningless sex better. But I guess if you can talk to her instead of me, it wouldn't be meaningless would it? You developed feelings for her."

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