Just About Over

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Summary: You have an unexpected visitor

Pairings: Captain Syverson X Reader, TJ Hammond X Jack O'Malley X Callum Drive

Rating: mild

Warnings: mild language, mentions of stalking and harassment, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 3.8K

"Hey?" You hear TJ's voice, but you continue mindlessly loading the dishwasher

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"Hey?" You hear TJ's voice, but you continue mindlessly loading the dishwasher. The events of that day hadn't left your mind. They were so fresh, and still so real.

"Hello?" It wasn't just the chase which had scared you into deleting that fucking app, but it was afterwards. You had tried to push aside the feelings you had for Jack. Didn't want to give him that kind of power over you yet. But seeing him be openly supportive of you, never questioning your motives, never making you feel guilty, and even standing up to his mother; it was something you didn't think you would ever see.

TJ says your full name, and you stop your motions, staring at him, but he was all blurry. It was like looking at him through a filter, so you blink your eyes a few times, and fully focus on him. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. I am fine. Yeah, I'm fine."

"That sounded like someone that was fine," TJ answers sarcastically, curling his nose up, looking at you. "Hey, what's going on through your pretty little head?"

You shrug, going back into that weird halfway awake world. A world you can go through the motions, but you aren't fully alert. "What are we doing today?" TJ hisses through his teeth and you whine a moment, "What?"

"We aren't doing anything?"


"You know why. This is the annual men's shopping day."

You roll your eyes starting to walk back into your bedroom, "It's fucking October. Do it another day."

"Can't. Your baby daddy and Cal suck at buying gifts. So Teej is there to help them."

You know it's wrong to do, but you pout up at him, trying to get tears to fill your eyes, and he actually laughs, "But you're my best friend."

"We've been doing this since you were pregnant with Finn. They suck at gifts. I had to help them. Besides, Finn looks forward to this, too. And We're taking Brody."

"You guys are mean. I wanted to drink beer and watch movies with you."

"Come with us then," you shake your head no. Not that you didn't want to go, but because TJ helped them with gifts every year, and it had became their thing. Even when Finn couldn't talk, those three always went shopping with a baby. Taking turns carrying him on the chest while he giggled, squealed, and sometimes cried. Even if you had to get him because he needed his mama. They never missed this. They tried to get it done earlier, in case they had to go again at a later date. Plus, seeing Jack in that familiar setting again was going to make the feelings swirling around you that much worse, and you were already struggling to set that boundary. "You don't have to fight it."

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