Goodnight, Jack

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Summary: boat date with Frank

Pairings: Frank Adler X Reader

Rating: mild

Warnings: language, kissing, missing child, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 4.7K

You stare down hopelessly at your phone, wondering how you were even supposed to start this conversation

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You stare down hopelessly at your phone, wondering how you were even supposed to start this conversation. You knew Frank was already home, because he told you as much. And now you didn't know how to get to that point. Some movie that TJ started was playing in the background, but your blackened screen of your phone had more of your attention. This shouldn't be so hard. You didn't have to wait on Frank, and if you continued to wait on him, you might as well just give up. You were falling for Jack.

But it wasn't like last time. Last time just happened before you had time to breathe. This time you were actually falling. And while yes, it seemed weird to even entertain Frank at this point, you just had to know.

TJ groans, grabbing your phone, and opening it, "What do you want to say?"

"Tell me I'm making a mistake," TJ shakes his head no, and you throw your head back on the couch, "Why won't you tell me?"

"Mistakes make us who we are. Let me ask you, why are you still talking to Frank if this is a mistake?"

"Frank checks off all my boxes. He's never made me cry. Never made me wonder where he was. He's consistent, and has a job with a regular schedule. He has a niece that is more like a daughter, and he wants kids. And before you ask, yes, he layers his damn clothes. I've never seen him interact with Finn, because I'm not ready for that, you think Jack and I have stayed together just because of Finn? Because I don't want that. Yes, I want him to be the father I know he can be, but I want something with Jack, too. Finn won't always be there."

"No. I don't think that's the only thing keeping you and Jack together. I think that's what allowed you to let him back in. I think you're trying to make sense out of everything, and I think you're actually getting to know Jack. The real Jack. And he still loves you."

"I still love him. And I am falling," TJ pulls you over onto his shoulder and starts petting your head. Giving you a moment to think about what you said.

"Would you be okay with not knowing where things go with Frank?"

"I think putting in so much time into something is a disservice to not see where it could lead. On paper Frank is perfect. I just don't know if anyone is ever going to be Jack."

"Have you forgiven him? Can you look at him and believe him when he says that he won't stray again? Or is this your way to see if you emotionally connect with someone like he did? Albeit this is a healthier way because you and Jack aren't officially together. You're dating around."

"I'm just going on a date with Frank," you curl your nose at him, grabbing your phone back. Short and sweet seemed like the logical way to go about this.

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