You Deserved That

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Summary: date number two with Dean, and you get a surprise at Jack's work

Pairings: Jack O'Malley X Reader, Dean Winchester X Reader

Rating: explicit

Warnings: mentions of divorce, implied cheating, groping, unprotected sex, PIV sex, creampie, angst, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 3.8K

"Hey, little man," Callum holds his hand up for a high five as Jack and Finn walk into the station

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"Hey, little man," Callum holds his hand up for a high five as Jack and Finn walk into the station. "I thought you were going to be with your mom this weekend," he raises his eyebrows at Jack. His eyes move over to a room, but Jack settles down in front of his desk, while Finn takes his seat. "Jack," Callum clears his throat, flicking his head to the side.

"Do you need water?" Callum shakes his head no, still moving his head over. "What is your problem?"

"There's a witness in room four."

Jack sits up and looks over at the room before he bolts away. Finn knocks a picture of the three of you onto the desk, but Cal picks it back up, only for Finn to push it over again, "What's wrong?"

"Why is that on his desk?" Cal takes a deep breath and sits across from the little boy, "It's because he doesn't sit here, huh?"

"He sits there everyday,' Finn throws his head back looking up at the ceiling, twisting the chair around. "I think he likes thinking of happy times," he taps his finger on the desk with a smile, "Open that drawer."

Finn opens the door and sees more photos of him, you, and his dad. "It's a lie. He won't come home."

"They're working through some things, bud."

"So he's coming home?" Cal shrugs his shoulders, and Finn flings his body back in the chair again, "You know something I don't know."

"No, I know that your mom and dad really love each other. And sometimes love is complicated."

"Because I'm 'perfect' and he doesn't want another baby."

"It's more than that."

"He should have another baby with mom. If that's what would make her happy," he tries to look over at the interrogation room where Jack was, but Cal stands quickly in his way. "Why can't I see?"

"You shouldn't be watching witnesses, and for your dad's sake, I hope that one is gone before your mom gets back," pulling out his phone, Cal sends someone a text, and settles in front of the small boy. "What do you want for Christmas?"

"School just started back. Why are you asking me what I want for Christmas?"

"Just humor me. I like an early list so I have time to make sure you've been nice instead of naughty."

With a shrug of his shoulders, Finn pushes the picture back down, and scoots it closer to Cal. "Is that possible for you to do?"

"I wish I had an answer, Finny. But I don't. Just have some faith," Jack waits until the woman leaves out of the building before coming back into his office. Giving his son a smile, he absentmindedly picks the picture back up, and looks over at Cal, "You're cutting it close."

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