The One That Got Away

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Summary: A date with the ghost of your past

Pairings: Dean Winchester X Reader

Rating: mild

Warnings: language, mentions of divorce and separation, mentions of sex, mentions of blow jobs, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 3.1K

You laugh as the stylist beside you tells a corny joke

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You laugh as the stylist beside you tells a corny joke. The week had been good. It was nearing the weekend, and it was Jack's turn. You had been talking with a few different guys on the app, but none of them had tickled your fancy quite like Frank.

It was casual with Frank, but so sweet. He had asked about your day, he was curious about your job, wanted to know what you did for fun, but never asked for an actual date. Just your ideal one. And even told you about his hobby with boating. Saying he always imagined a romantic dinner date on a boat. Staring up at the stars, talking with one another, letting the boat rock you, and even slow dancing. It sounded like perfection.

You finish up your client when the receptionist runs up to you, "The school is on the phone. Finn got hit in the face with a ball, and his nose is bleeding."

"What?" You screech, already grabbing your things. "Check her out. I've got to go," you run out the salon, thankful that his school wasn't far.

Rushing into the school to check in, they ring you in, letting you know he was still in the gym. "Did you call his dad, too?" You ask, knowing that Jack would want to know what happened and if his son was okay.

"Yes, Mrs. O'Malley. He said he'd be here shortly."

You smile awkwardly, and head towards the gym. Your baby is sitting alone in the gym. A wad of tissues on his nose, leaning forward. "Finny."

"Mom, I'm fine," he nasally answers, but you crouch down in front of him. Lifting him up by his chin. "Mom! Coach Winchester said I was okay. Nothing looked broken."

"Winchester? What happened to Coach Wilson? Did he put you up to this? Who threw the ball?"

"Is dad coming? You're embarrassing me. I'm not a baby anymore," you gasp playfully, and stand up in shock when a loud whistle rings in your ear. Spinning around quickly to see Coach Winchester in all his short red shorts glory, and Finn snorts. "Coach Winchester, this is my mom. Mom, this is the new coach."

"Your Finn's mom?" He asks, laughing. Extending his hand out to you, and those candy green apple eyes look your body up and down. You cock up an eyebrow shaking your head, and he holds your hands out wide, "You are looking good."

"That's gross."

"Dean, not here," you motion to the side towards Finn whose lip was curled up in confusion. "Finn, this is Dean, my...friend from high school."

"Right," he winks at you. Giving you a wide smile, and his eyes drift down to your left hand, and his smile gets bigger when there isn't a ring there. "Friends. So — you have a kid now."

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