What Stands Between You And Happiness😊

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Lysithea sees Summer Brans direwolf pup rush over to her and she calls out softly with a worried tone "Jon!"  then follows the pup to wherever she wished to guide her and Jon follows for they both know when the pup comes to find her it usually means danger in other words Bran is climbing when he promised his mother he never would again she looks up just in time to see a the tips of a large hand move away from the window of the broken tower Bran had climbed and Bran fall further than his body would have if he had not been pushed she rushes over as fast as her crooked feet would carry her and Jon rushes to go get Catelyn and the Maester and a few minutes later he returns with both "Jamie Lannister...."  Lysithea says softly as she gently picks Bran up off the ground "what!?!"  Catelyn asks with a angry tone "it was Jamie Lannister he pushed Bran out of the window up there"  Lysithea replies  "how do you know!?!"  Catelyn asks "well he's the only Lannister that makes sense after all I just saw Týrion talking to Sandor by the stables and Cersei's too worried about losing the power of her crown to ever do something so drastic not to mention I doubt she likes getting her hands dirty by doing shit herself when she has so many to do it for her as for the reason this happened I have no idea"  Lysithea replies as she walks towards the Stark house and the Maester follows her....

"  Lysithea says softly as she gently picks Bran up off the ground "what!?!"  Catelyn asks with a angry tone "it was Jamie Lannister he pushed Bran out of the window up there"  Lysithea replies  "how do you know!?!"  Catelyn asks "well he's the on...

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Lysianassa rides over to Daenerys after she moves her horse away from Ser Jorah Mormont and she hands her friend some grapes then says "I'm guessing it didn't work"  Daenerys chuckles then replies "actually it did! it's the aftereffect that....!"  Lysianassa nods "you're not leaving me are you!?!"  Daenerys asks softly with a worried frightened tone "not yet"  Lysianassa replies.... Lysianassa had promised Daenerys she'd stay until she felt she was no longer needed and somehow she knew that day was coming soon.... "he could have handled it better but after the display we got at your wedding I suppose it isn't so surprising he only thought of his own "pleasure" or perhaps making a heir without consent"  Lysianassa says Daenerys chortles "sorry"  Lysianassa apologizes Daenerys shakes her head then replies "no what you said is true I would have liked consent"  Lysianassa teases "it would be easier if you could understand him!"  Daenerys laughs then says "this is true!"  Lysianassa says "you should see if one of them could teach you their language they're your people now you should try to get to know them"  Daenerys nods.... once they reach the camp Lysianassa rides a few paces away from her friend so that the Dothraki people could tend to her she had warned Daenerys ahead of time that she was going to do so "I will be close but it is them who should take care of you for now I will do my best to protect you when I can but at the moment I do not feel that you are in danger"  she told her Daenerys nodded in reply Daenerys saw her friend watch every movement the people around her made as they helped her off her horse and took her to a tent to take care of her hands which she found to be a great comfort....

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