You Have My Sword⚔️ And You Have My Bow 🏹And My Axe🪓

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**** I'm going to have it so that Ghost is never captured that he and Fenix live "free" and raise their pups away from Craster's Keep and meet up with Jon and Lysithea around the same time Jon was reunited with him with their pups at their side****

As Tommen was being crowned King he looks up at Veðrfölnir who flew above him and he smiles the hawk had been sitting on his shoulders but the High Septon wasn't very happy about that so he fed the hawk his favorite treat then spun his pointer finger in a circle and the bird flew up towards the ceiling and has been there ever since watching him be crowned so that Lysianassa could also see it for he knew of her gift once he was sitting on the Iron Throne Veðrfölnir flew back to him and perched himself on his shoulders and seeing that it made their King happy the people allowed it which made him very happy.... Tywin wondered how and why his grandson seemed so close to the bird but he never asked but his grandson tells him anyway "it's Aunt Nassa's bird I think he knew she'd like to see me be crowned King"  Tommen says "you still care for the woman who killed your brother!?"  Tywin asks "we both know she didn't, if she was going to kill my brother she would have chopped of his head like she did the Mountain she also would have done it somewhere more private perhaps on the very throne I sit on so he can think he at least died a king"  Tommen replies Tywin smiles "from the day she and Uncle Tyrion entered King's Landing she did everything she could to get to know me and my sister and even befriended us, she was always kind and loving towards us never treating us any differently than she would any other person we were in a very special way her equal"  Tommen tells him and he looks at him with a surprised expression on his face then he smiles.... Tyrion visits his wife every day and though the guards allow him in and give them space he knows they're listening and may tell his father everything that goes on for just like him everyone fears his father and she wasn't paying them anything to help them keep their silence though he bet they were waiting to hear lots of screaming and moaning coming from the cell his wife is in and though it is hard for him to resist the urge to give them the show they want he's glad they don't for as his wife says that moment is private for him and her alone and no one not even Shea will ever see and/or hear it ever again.... in Shea's case anyway though as his wife would point out they were in a tent at that particular time which a lot harder to lock than a room with a door is....

Podrick was given Vetr as a parting gift from Lysianassa when he was set out to become Brienne's Squire and Vetr knew straight away that the poor boy has either never ridden a horse or hasn't ridden one in a long time so she was very patient with him which he was grateful for the dwarf woman Lynette who gave her to him told him she was Lysianassa's twin sisters horse and what had happened to her which explained why she wasn't with the woman he never met and he swore he would do his best to take care of her.... Brienne was shocked that Podrick had never cooked before until she heard that Lysianassa was the one who did all the cooking hearing that made her smile....


Not trusting Locke Lysithea scouts with him but from a different area she uses the little bit of magic she learned when she made love to Jon in the cave with the Hot Spring making her hair as long as it once once when she lived in Winterfell and in it's original color and her clothes became a outfit much like Ginny's when she first met her so if anyone was to see her she'd look like one of Craster's wives she peeks into a hut and sees Hodor, Bran and two people she doesn't know tied up and she walks into the hut "Thea!"  Bran whispers happily when he sees her she smiles at him the two she didn't know seemed weary of her till they heard the happiness in Bran's voice "what are you doing here!?!"  Bran whispers "the ones who have taken over this place betrayed the Watch we're here to make sure they never betray anyone else ever again"  Lysithea whispers in her normal nectarous voice Bran smiles Lysithea looks over at the boy she doesn't know when she hears him cough then slowly walks over to him taking her flask of water out of her pocket then opening it and gently placing it against his lips the boy looks at her "it's ok she's family"  Bran assures him "I was dating his bastard brother before that bastard joined the Night's Watch"  she tells the boy Bran chuckles "go on it's only water and no I don't have the power to turn it to wine so there will be no getting drunk for you no matter how much you want to!"  she says ending with a tease the boy chuckles then allows her to help him drink the refreshingly cold water "Lysithea Völuspá"  she introduces "Jojen Reed and that's my sister Meera"  the boy replies "I see their taking good care of you Bran!"  she teases "they try!"  Bran replies with a smile Jojen chuckles for unlike his sister who became upset he could tell they were teasing each other Meera looks at her brother and sees him smiling but still doesn't get that the girl was teasing Lysithea walks over to Hodor and gently wakes him  "Hodor"  Hodor says with a happy tone when he sees her she places her finger over her lips then helps him take a drink of water "you have done well Hodor you should be proud of yourself, keep doing as you've always have been doing and protect him and I am sorry these monsters have treated you so harshly I wish I could help make the pain they put you through go away but I can't"  she whispers "Hodor"  Hodor whispers in reply then she walks over to Bran and gives him a drink of her water and he gladly takes a sip she looks at Meera who still seems to not trust her then walks over to her and does the same as she did with the other three and Meera reluctantly takes a sip "no matter what Bran don't give up! prove to the world and yourself that the Starks are still strong!"  Lysithea says then she walks out of the hut the same way she came in and makes her more feminine appearance disappear and once again becomes a "man" .... Lysithea returns to where Jon and the others were getting some rest a few minutes after Locke did she walks into Jon's tent and as soon as he saw her he asked her about the hounds Locke said were in a hut and while they are in the tent they speak in tones so low no one else can hear them "well I suppose one may consider Hodor a hound"  she says softly in her normal nectarous voice with a smile his eyes widen and he asks with a surprised tone "Hodor is here!?!"  she nods then says in her normal nectarous voice voice "with Bran and two others a Jojen and Meera Reed they seem to have a mission of their own it's best we let them get it done but they will need help escaping hopefully before Tanner gets to the girl"  he nods then his eyes widen when he realizes what she means "how did Locke not see you!?!"  he asks "oh he probably did though I used the trick I learned when we were in the cave and made myself look like one of Craster's daughter wives but a bit more familiar.... to Bran and Hodor at least"  she replies in her normal nectarous voice he smiles... at sundown the "war" between the loyal and the disloyal begins and Lysithea heads straight for the hut Bran was in this time as Snær Locke who rushed in not too long after her stares at her in shock as she thrusts her sword into his chest "I think they've been through enough Locke don't you!?"  she asks in her baritone male voice as Locke falls dead onto her shoulder and she pushes him off her then cleans her blade on his armor....

"I knew it!"  Bran says with a grin as she walks over and cuts him loose she winks at him with a smile then says in her baritone male voice with a bow "Einar Snær at your service my Lord"  he chuckles then teases "so you're a bastard too!?!"  she replies in her baritone male voice as she walks away from him and over to Jojen "I can be!"  Bran laughs as she cuts Jojen free then moves over to where Hodor is and breaks his chains with her sword as she says in her baritone male voice "but that is not why I chose Snær as my last name"  at first Bran was confused then he smiles and asks "has he figured it out!?"  she replies in her baritone male voice "it's Jon when does he ever figure out anything without a clue to help him along the way!?"  he laughs last but not least Lysithea cuts down Meera then catches her before she falls "your skin looks familiar"  Meera says "does it!?!"  Lysithea asks in her baritone male voice Meera nods Bran chuckles "I'm going back out to help Jon use this distraction and go where you need to go"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice "will I ever see you two again!?!"  Bran asks "only fools think they can see the future Bran for the future is ever changing as I always have been I will be honest with you I have no idea if we'll see each other again but I do hope we do"  Lysithea replies in her baritone male voice Bran nods then says "so do I!"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice "look out for each other and never falter your father never did and he was the strongest bravest man we know"  Bran nods then watches as she leaves the hut once more patting Hodor on the shoulder as she does "oh and by the way Summer has been freed and is waiting for you at the edge of the woods"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice just before walking through the little piece of cloth that is being used as a door Bran smiles "that was....!?!"  Jojen says with a surprised tone "yes"  Bran replies with a smile "why would she....!?!"  Jojen asks "because she loves my brother and would never leave him no matter what"  Bran replies Jojen nods with a smile.... Jon sees the woman he loves walk towards him with a flask in her hand as he walks out of Craster's Hall with one of the wives "I figured you'd need this"  she says in her baritone male voice as she hands him her flask he chuckles then says "thanks"  and pours what's left of the water over his face getting rid of Tanner's spit she kneels down and rips his pant leg just enough to get a better look at the wound on his leg from Tanner's dagger uses her herbs to cover the wound and he just about sighs in relief at the cooling feeling they bring while she was doing that the woman who walked out with him rushed over to her sisters/mother/fellow wives "we lost four brothers?"  John asks "five"  Tollett replies "he was never a brother"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice "you killed him!?!"  Jon asks "he went after the hounds and you know how protective I am of animals"  she replies in her baritone male voice he nods with a smile then says "aye, I do"  then he says to Grenn "I count 10 dead mutineers"  Grenn replies "Locke said there were 11 of them"  Jon looks at Lysithea nods then says in her baritone male voice "well at least he didn't lie about that he lied about a lot of other things though but they aren't important right now"  Jon asks "where's Rast?"

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