A Blessing In Disguise

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Lysianassa and Tyrion sit a table near Sansa and Tyrique who were chatting lively with one another during the wedding feast when Joffrey walks over and opens his mouth ready to yell at Lysianassa who stands up, walks over to him, pulls out her sword which she always has sheathed to her side and threatens "speak and I will give you a scar like the one my husband has only deeper! it's hard enough for anyone to look at you as you are imagine how disgusted they'd be at the sight of you with half your face cut off!"  Joffrey takes a step back with fear in his eyes "and you! leave my brother and his wife alone! they will consummate when they wish to consummate not before! so I guess you're going to have to learn a little thing known as patience"  she says pointing her sword at Tywin who was walking over to where Tyrique and Sansa sit Tywin smiles at her then backs away with a somewhat flourished bow "you and your Kingsguard will stay away from her from now on! you are not to look at her, speak to her, and or THREATEN her in any way she is now a member of MY family which means she is under MY protection! am I understood!?!"  she tells Joffrey who nods with frightened eyes then scurries away....


Lysithea takes off her Wildling Cloak and walks over to a old man with horses "ah, Master Snær to what do I owe the honor!?"  the old man asks "just come to visit some friends, it's been awhile"  she replies in her baritone male voice as she pets one of the horses "that it has lad, that it has"  the man says with a chuckle in his tone "where's Master Snow I figured he'd be with you!?"  he asks "he left me to go frolic in the woods with some redhead I told him he needed to work on his hip movements but I never meant like that!"  she replies in her baritone male voice the old man laughs his laughter grows as she says in her baritone male voice "I really shouldn't be talking about my sister like that but he wanted to know what it was like to be kissed by Wildfire and was willing to let her be the one to show him"  the old man's eyes widen when he realizes she's cluing him in on what's either here or coming when she says "Wildfire" for he knows what Wildlings consider redheads "where!?!"  he whispers "a mile or so down"  she whispers back in her baritone male voice he nods.... "what is he doing Snow!?!"  Tormund asks Jon as they watch the old man and "Snær" climb on a horse and ride off somewhere "I figure it'd be obvious he's making sure the old man gets out alive"  Jon replies "well, go stop him!"  Orell orders Jon chuckles then says "do you know how dangerously stupid that would be!?!"  Orell growls "I don't care just get it done!"  Tormund sighs then says "I hate that I gotta do this but he's right but we're all going for Jon's right too Snær will put up one hell of a fight to save that old man who he's apparently taken under his protection"  Orell looks at him and asks with a incredulous tone "you're not mad!?!"  Tormund replies "oh I am! but we all know he was never truly loyal to us just Jon and I can honestly say I respect that"  then he orders those that came with them to "spread out surround the hut and move in"  then he and the rest of his group climb over the wall and head towards the Hut.... "take the reins"  Lysithea says to the old man in her baritone male voice the old man looks at her as she maneuvers her body so that she now rides behind him turning her body as she holds her bow and arrow and points it at Ygritte then shoots the arrow at her and hits the redhead in the arm making Ygritte drop her bow and grip her now bleeding arm.... Lysithea and the old man ride through a area that has a broken down Windmill as the rain that started while they were riding pours down on them they become surrounded by three Wildlings on three of the old mans horses and Lysithea whistles a high then low pitched tune and the horses the three Wildlings were on buck them off then ride away Lysithea looks up at the Windmill and says in her baritone male voice as she slides off the horse "keep riding and don't stop for anyone!"  the old man nods then continues riding and she fights the Wildlings that finally stood up killing them with ease "where's he going!?!"  she hears Tormund ask from behind her "I didn't ask"  she replies in her baritone male voice as she turns to face him "don't get smart"  Tormund says "telling the truth is always smart"  she replies in her baritone male voice he chuckles then asks as he points to the dead men lying on the ground "who killed them!?"  she replies in her baritone male voice "I did, the rest of you will be joining them if you go after him and I hope Orell tries first I've been waiting to kill him!"  Orell looks at her and snarls Tormund laughs "make the Crow kill him to prove he's one of us"  Orell says "you think the man in love with my sister is going to kill her only living sibling especially after he promised her he'd look out for me!?! as Ygritte would say you know nothing Orell!"  Lysithea asks in her baritone male voice Orell growls Tormund chuckles "you got what you wanted the man's horses, his gold and steel...."  she says in her baritone male voice "that old man is going to head to Castle Black and warn them that we're coming!"  Orell says "in this rain!?! he'll be lucky if he makes it back home a horse always knows where his or her home is besides all he'd know is that you came for his livelihood I doubt he would have figured you'd be heading for Castle Black yes he was promised protection by them but by the time he gets there and they get here we'd be heading their way which means they'd be bring the fight to you and making it easier for you to take it over by having less Watchmen in it which I know wouldn't be any fun but still the old man would have never known your true purpose only part of it"  she replies in her baritone male voice "sorry Summer but that one's mine!"  she whispers in her normal nectarous voice Jon who was the only one who heard her whisper looks at her and she inconspicuously nods her head at the two Direwolves standing by a small cart/wagon he looks over and tries to hide his surprise  "you know what I'm going to kill you out of spite I'm getting sick of hearing your voice!"  she says in her baritone male voice then she lifts her bow and shoots a arrow through Orell's forehead she looks at Tormund and says in her baritone male voice "Jon won't kill me you're smart enough to know this, he never would have killed the innocent man mainly because he knows it's wrong and has more heart then all of you combined! but it's his loyalty to the place that he's lived for a year and the people who live in there that became his family while he's lived there that makes him "not one of you" not his hatred for you for he doesn't hate any of you in some odd little way you have become a friend to both of us but go ahead and do what you must just remember those that die today die by your order so their blood is on your hands not mine!"  Tormund nods then orders those left to "kill them"  the Wildlings attack Jon and Lysithea though Ygritte focuses mainly on Lysithea hoping to make her pay for wounding her but she gets knocked down by Jon who as Lysithea predicted he would do anything to protect her Lysithea stops at the area where Summer and Shaggydog.... I know a horrible name for a Direwolf but that's what name he was given by Rickon.... are then she kneels down to their level and whispers in her normal nectarous voice as she slides her hand along the side of Summer's face  "it's ok Bran, you're going to be ok and so are we"  then she stands up and rushes over to the horses, unties one and calls out in her baritone male voice "Jon!"  Jon looks over in her direction and sees her climb onto the back of one of the black horses he rushes over, slides his sword back into his sheathe and climbs up behind her then they ride off....

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