A Dwarven Jesus And A Red Priestess Walk Into A Brothel

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Lysianassa made sure she and Tyrion got as much sunlight as they dared to by walking beside the carriage every once in awhile "do you honestly think I will allow anything to happen to my husband!?"  she asks a wary Varys who shakes his head with a...

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Lysianassa made sure she and Tyrion got as much sunlight as they dared to by walking beside the carriage every once in awhile "do you honestly think I will allow anything to happen to my husband!?"  she asks a wary Varys who shakes his head with a smile "you should stretch your legs every now and again as well"  she tells him he nods his head with a smile  when they reached Volantis Tyrion took his wife's hand in his and refused to let it go especially when they walked through the crowded market "slaves"  Tyrion says "yes, the Volantene masters are very organized flies for dung shovelers hammers for builders tears for whores lest they forget"  Varys who walks behind him and Lysianassa replies as they're walking they hear a woman speak in Valyrian to a large crowd "Lord cast your light upon us"  the crowd around her repeat her words in Valyrian "for the night is dark and full of terrors"  the woman says in Valyrian the crowd repeats her words in the same language Tyrion gently pulls his wife away from Varys "we should stay with Varys"  Lysianassa whispers "we'll be fine! I just want to get a better look"  Tyrion replies she rolls her eyes which he does not see as he climbs up a few steps then sits down.... Varys hears a bird whistle come from a little ways away and he follows the sound then finds Lysianassa standing by Tyrion who was sitting on a step "I was once as you are now"  the woman says in Valyrian as she points to the triangle tear that is on it "bought and sold, scourged and branded...."  the woman says in Valyrian "the only Red Priest we had in King's Landing was Thoros of Myr this one's much better looking"  Tyrion says Lysianassa rolls her eyes seeing her do so Tyrion tells her with a slight coo in his tone "you know I'll only ever love you!"  he becomes disappointed when she doesn't smile at him "the Lord of Light hears your voice he hears the king as he hears the slave; he hears the Stone Men in their misery...."  the Red Priestess says in Valyrian "Stone Men good luck stopping this spread of grayscale with prayer you'd have better luck dancing away the plague"  Tyrion says he looks at his wife who's frowning and frowns now that he thinks about it people might think she has Greyscale herself which he knows she doesn't from the way she explained it to him she believes it's from when the poison tried to kill her while she lived within her mother and her mother and her magic did whatever they could to save her and the poison and her mother fought to either kill or let her live and he was grateful her mother and her magic won but saddened that like his own mother when he was born her mother died the day she and her sister were "he has sent you a savior! from the fire she was reborn to remake the world! The Dragon Queen!"  the woman says in Valyrian "we're going to meet the Savior! you should have told me who doesn't want to meet the Savior?"  Tyrion says sarcastically "Tyrion!"  Lysianassa scolds softly he flinches the Red Priestess turns her head and looks at them Tyrion stares back then moves his hood so that it hides his head more and says "come on let's go"  Lysianassa leads Tyrion and Varys to a brothel and Tyrion stares at her in shock "what!?! I'm curious"  she says he chuckles the bald man with a braided beard who was guarding the door cups the top of Tyrion's head and rubs it as he says in Valyrian "it's good luck to rub a dwarf's head"  Tyrion replies in English "it's even better luck to suck a dwarf's cock"  Lysianassa says to the guard "I apologize for my husband he's had a pretty bad day especially since I refuse to satisfy the need he claims he has and it's made him quite grumpy, I figured I'd treat him to someone who will give him what he desires to make up for it"  the guard smiles at her Tyrion stares at her in shock as the guard lets them walk into the brothel and once inside they walk over and sit at a table and a woman serves them drinks "um, could I get a water please!? I don't drink wine"  Lysianassa asks kindly the woman nods with a smile then takes the cup she served her and walks away a blonde woman with long braided hair wearing a blue dress that did not cover her ass walks into the room and Lysianassa tries very hard not to facepalm at the sight "ok I regret coming here now!"  she mutters Varys chuckles "do you know who's she's supposed to be!?"  she asks he shakes his head then they hear a man call out "the Mother of Dragons!"  the blonde woman smiles then walks over to the man who called for her Lysianassa looks around and notices a familiar face not too far away from where she sits with her husband and her friend and she says softly as she stands up "excuse me for a moment"  Varys nods Tyrion opens his mouth to speak but she had already left before he could say anything....

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