A Whole New Monster🧌👹

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Lysithea walks over to where Ygritte and Jon are just as Ygritte says "we'll stay warmer if we stay close"  she teases in her baritone male voice as she comes into view "you should listen to the lady Snow!"  Jon asks "are you mocking me Snær!?"  she replies in her baritone male voice with a smirk "I would never! that's what you do"  a corner smile slides up Jon's lips "here, allow me"  she says in her baritone male voice as she kneels down and begins to build a fire near a large rock that blocks the view of the world around them "what are you doing!?!"  Jon asks "building a fire"  Lysithea replies in her baritone male voice she looks at Jon and says in her baritone male voice "if we keep it small enough this rock should hide the smoke and the light that comes from the fire so roll her over after all if she's going to be your prisoner you have to take care of her a dead prisoner will do you no good"  Jon replies "you're the one who refused to kill her!"  she says in her baritone male voice "and you did a wonderful job in my stead Snow"  Jon scoffs Ygritte chuckles at their banter "so a bastard, a bastard and a member of the Free Folk lay together by the rocks on a cold winters night sounds romantic!"  Lysithea jokes in her baritone male voice Ygritte laughs Jon rolls Ygritte over to the fire and is surprised when he sees Lysithea lay down next to her then pat the ground behind her he smiles then lays down behind her and hugs her to him like he would a brother not a girlfriend "think there out looking for you?"  Ygritte asks Jon who replies "yes"  Ygritte asks "think they'll find you?"  Jon replies "yes"  Ygritte says "you're brave stupid.... but brave"  Jon says "we'll start again at first light get some sleep"  Ygritte starts rolling her hip up against Lysithea who turns her head towards Jon and whispers in her baritone male voice "I think she forgot I mentioned that I like men so could you maybe hump my ass so I can get as excited as she wants me to be!?"  Jon bursts out laughing Ygritte blushes "and just so you know the man laying behind me is dreaming of the day when he can meet my sister again and fuck her to an oblivion so your so called charm wouldn't work on him either there is only one woman for him and will ever get him as excited as you wish us both to be his heart and I will make sure of it!"  Lysithea says to Ygritte in her baritone male voice Ygritte growls Jon smiles.... the next morning as always Lysithea was awake before anyone else she gently wakes Jon up with a kiss then places her finger over her lips once they let his go he sits up and sees that Ygritte is still sleeping "what is going on!?!"  he whispers in the made up language her and her siblings created to "keep secrets" from the adults that she had taught him "a little glimpse of freedom, I told Halfhand it would be wise to have someone play spy for him and we're using her as a means to do so"  she whispers in the same language he looks at her oddly his eyes widen when he realizes "we're the spies!"  he whispers in the made up language of her childhood she nods then says in the same language "I would be the best choice since my loyalty belongs to you not the Night's Watch but I knew you wouldn't let me do it alone so I added you to it"  he smiles then says in the made up language of her childhood "you're right I wouldn't"  he kisses her lips then stands up and wakes up Ygritte who was still upset her hip rolling didn't work Snær.... well the woman everyone thinks is a man named Snær.... didn't get excited at all what was worse was that both Jon and Lysithea aka Snær were already awake and standing so she couldn't tease the poor boy not that she'd think it would work as a matter of fact with Lysithea's "I don't give a damn" attitude she might have actually ended up with a knife at her throat "let's move"  Jon says as as he helps Ygritte stand then starts to untie her and she notices that his eyes never even look at her as he does so even when his arms wrap around her as he unties her as a matter of fact they seem to stare at the sun as he works to untie her so that she could at least move to wherever he takes her "move"  Jon says as he pulls her along with the rope that is still wrapped around her just not as much as it once was a small corner smirk slides along Lysithea's lips as she follows them.... "there are no girl Crows"  Ygritte asks as they walk "there are no women of the Night's Watch, no"  Jon replies "so, the lads just do it with each other?"  Ygritte asks "talk about living in hell!"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice Ygritte laughs then says "but I thought you liked men!?"  Lysithea replies in her baritone male voice "I do, but none of them are worth a damn except for Jon but he's stuck in a fantasy about my sister so even I could never get that lucky!"  Jon blushes seeing him blush Ygritte smiles "maybe Sam but he's afraid of his own shadow so I would definitely scare him away if I had tried"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice Jon laughs "we stupidly swore our fealty to the Night's Watch Jon because he wanted to save the world me because of the oath I swore to my sister to make sure he stays alive for as long as possible part of that pact is to make sure we're never able to create children with women which I really don't understand especially since if those children are male they could just raise and train them and all they would truly know is that world if we were women I could understand it for it's a women's job to take care of the children but it's a man's job to take care of the home and the best way to do that in some mens eyes is to join the Night's Watch for they supposedly protect us from things the rest of the world is not supposed to know about"  Lysithea tells Ygritte in her baritone male voice Ygritte smirks then asks "you have sheep at the Wall?"  Lysithea laughs "with your hands, then? no wonder you're all so miserable"  Ygritte says Lysithea's laughter grows then she says in her baritone male voice "try whatever you wish "Free Woman" but we all belong to the land and it isn't mine and Jon's fault no one has the decency to share it so that argument that's rolling in your head is invalid"  Ygritte turns and looks at her then says "you think you know me!"  Lysithea replies in her baritone male voice "you heard me say that I am not into women and yet you thought you could rub your hips up against mine and get my "sword" all excited, everyone thinks they own the land they live on because they live on it it's a argument everyone has and uses to anyone who is not one of their people so yes I do know you, better than you know me it seems now, let's continue on and you can do us all a favor and shut the fuck up the only thing you're truly doing is annoying us and that is never a good thing if you're not careful I may just change my mind and kill you then leave your body to freeze on these lands for I will not burn it and neither will Jon you have not earned that honor"  Ygritte starts walking....

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