A Rayder With A Mance

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Mace Rayder looks at Lysithea says "I don't have empty eyes but nice work figuring us all out"  she smirks then asks in her baritone male voice "better table manners then!?!"  Mance chuckles "so who is the chicken eater?! I found it quite rude that he asked for our names but never gave his back"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice Mace smiles then replies "Tormund Giantsbane"  Tormund says "can't believe this.... pup killed Halfhand"  Mance says "he was our enemy and I'm glad he's dead"  he reaches out his hand for the two men in front of him to shake Jon looks down at it then shakes it Mance pulls him closer then says "he was my brother once.... back when he had a whole hand"  then he lets Jon's hand go and shakes Lysithea's luckily she had plenty of opportunities as well as time to "perfect" her "manly" handshake "what were you doing with him?"  Mance asks "the Lord Commander sent us to the Halfhand for seasoning"  Jon replies "why?"  Mance asks "he wants me to lead one day and Snær made a promise to her sister to protect me so he refuses to leave my side so the Lord Commander had no choice but to have him follow me"  Mance chuckles then asks "why would he swear such a oath to his sister!?!"  Jon replies "because I love her and she loves me"  Mance says "but you chose to become a Night Watchman"  Jon replies "I wish to protect the land I live on and the people within it and that is the best way to do it"  Mance says "but here you are.... a traitor to the Nights Watch"  Jon replies "if I'm a traitor then you are, too"  after a pause Mance asks "why do you want to join us, Jon Snow?"  Jon replies "I want to be free"  Mance says "no.... I don't think so I think what you want the most of all is to be a hero I'll ask you one last time why do you want to join us?"  a man with a axe that was sitting with Tormund by the fire stands up and Tormund who was standing behind Jon and Lysithea moves closer to them as though they were boxing them in and making sure they can't escape if Mance doesn't like Jon's answer "we stopped at Craster's Keep on the way North Snær and I saw...."  Jon says Mance looks at him then at Lysithea and asks "you saw what?"  Jon replies "we saw Craster take his own baby boy and leave it in the woods we saw what took it"  Mance says "you're telling me you saw one of them? and why would that make you desert your brothers?"  Jon replies "because when I told the Lord Commander.... he already knew thousands of years ago, the First Men battled the White Walkers and defeated them I want to fight for a side that fights for the living and I know Snær feels the same way did we come to the right place?"  Mance says "we'll need to find you boys a new cloak"  then he walks away "I like my cloak!"  Lysithea whispers in her baritone male voice to Jon who chuckles then teasingly whispers "that wasn't a very manly response!"  she whispers back in her baritone male voice "I don't care!"  he laughs....


Lysianassa hands Tyrion a mirror and asks "don't you think it looks like a root!?!"  he scoffs she frowns he slides his hand up her cheek and says "no my precious flower I....!"  she says "have a outer scar to match your inner"  he smiles then says "that's a good way to put it though I do believe there would be more than just the one"  she replies "then we truly would match"  he frowns then says "yours are so much prettier"  she asks "and what man wants to look pretty!?!"  he chuckles she kisses his lips and says "you're still the sexiest man in King's Landing and I bet all the women here are jealous that I have you all to myself especially since you are their secret hero who helped their men save their home from those who wished to take it over"  he grins then says softly "what would I do without you!?"  she replies "you'd probably be fucking Shea"  he laughs "she would just betray you in the end my love I will never do that"  she says softly "I know!"  he replies softly then he kisses her lips moving forward and making her lay on her back on the bed they lay on he begins to remove her clothes so that he can make love to her but stops when he hears a knock at the door he huffs in annoyance then slides off the bed and walks over to the door with his wife not too far behind "Pod?"  Tyrion says as he walks towards the door "it's your sister.... the queen"  Lysianassa rolls her eyes Tyrion hides a smile she looks at him and he nods then she opens the door for his sister and her guards "you can come they can not"  Lysianassa says "they are here to protect me!"  Cersei replies "from what!?! the scarred man and his scarred wife!?! what are we going to do to you!?! throw books at you because we find you annoying!?!"  Lysianassa asks "you better not!"  Tyrion says she smiles then looks at the guards and says "stand at the door"  the guards nod at her then take their place at either side of the door and Cersei stares at them in shock "I have earned both their respect what exactly have you earned from them!?!"  Lysianassa asks her sister in law who's mouth gapes open at her question "are you coming in or not!?! unfortunately we don't have any Nightshade.... I mean wine so we don't have anything for you to drink maybe I can piss in a cup for you if you get thirsty but that depends on whether or not I really need to pee!"  Lysianassa says Tyrion hides a smile as his wife takes a step back and Cersei walks inside "why are you here?"  Tyrion asks his sister as his wife closes the door "I wanted to see your face they said you had lost your nose but it's not as gruesome as all that"  Cersei replies "the man who cut me lost more than his nose"  Tyrion replies as he watches his wife pour three glasses of wine he smiles as she takes two of them and walks back over to the door opens it and hands the two cups to the guards "it isn't piss but we would like our cups back so knock softly when you're done and I will come and get them"  she whispers the guards nod and she closes the door she walks back over to where she left the last cup, picks it up and hands it to her husband who smiles at her then kisses her lips "I should hope so the rebels came for Joffrey's head they lost their own"  Cersei says "thanks to father"  Tyrion says softly Lysianassa slides her hand in his and he smiles as he squeezes it gently "of course, it wasn't a rebel that tried to kill me though it was smart to make sure my wife was not at my side when he had tried"  Tyrion tells Cersei who says "no? curious and you're probably right"  she looks around and says "bit of a comedown from the Chamber of the Hand"  Lysianassa replies "I rather like it"  Cersei says with a fake smile "I bet you do!"  Lysianassa replies "any place that my husband is is home for me we shall always make do with whatever we are given"  Tyrion smiles Cersei frowns she was shocked at how well maintained and clean this once dirty hole is but she was betting her sister in law was the reason it looks so homey "you're meeting father today?"  Cersei says Lysianassa looks at her husband and says with a soft fake tone of surprise "we are!?! I thought we were meeting the new Hand of the King!"  Tyrion smiles Cersei grits her teeth then asks "what do you want from him?"  Lysianassa says "I'd like to see him grovel wouldn't you!?! that would be a sight!"  Cersei growls Tyrion smiles then says to his sister "he's my father do I need to want something?"  after a pause he says "I'm sure he loves me dearly, as any father loves his child, his baby boy yet he hasn't come to visit me once since arriving in King's Landing I lay here, my face split in half, but father never came"  Cersei walks over to him Tyrion squeezes his wife's hand then moves out of his sisters way and walks his wife over to the window as Cersei sits in a chair by their little dining table and says "you're going to make me cry"  Tyrion asks "why do you care what I want from him?"  Cersei replies "because you've slandered me to father before"  Tyrion asks "slandered? when"  Cersei replies "you told him I had my guards beat that servant girl at Casterly Rock"  Tyrion says "you did have your guards beat her a girl of 9, I believe"  Cersei replies "I was 9 too"  Tyrion says "she lost an eye if I remember correctly"  Cersei replies "if I remember correctly she never stole a necklace again"  Lysianassa whispers through her teeth "well I suppose we know where Joffrey got his personality from!"  as Tyrion says to his sister "it's not slander if it's true"  Cersei asks "and what's this truth you plan on telling him today?"  Tyrion asks "why are you so nervous about what I'm going to say to father?"  Cersei replies "because you're a liar I expect you'll tell lies about me, about Joffrey"  Tyrion asks "any lies in particular?"  Cersei sighs then says "you're a clever man.... but you're not half as clever as you think you are"  Tyrion hums then says "still makes me more clever than you"  Cersei stands up and says as she walks towards the door "don't bring your wife with you when you go to see father"  Lysianassa replies "yes, because telling him what not to do worked so well with your father it's most certainly going to work with you as well!"  Cersei growls then walks out the door Lysianassa turns to face her smiling husband then kisses his scar and he quivers happily at the feel of her soft lips on the wound he has no pride in having but if he's going to get more loving kisses from her on it he may start to enjoy it just a little they look in the direction of their still open door and see Bron and Podrick standing on the other side "shall we go for a walk?!"  Tyrion asks Lysianassa nods with a smile then they walk out of their little cupboard they now call home which Tyrion found that his wife was right as long as they were together it didn't matter where they lived for they are what makes it a home not the grandeur he had gotten used to living in....

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