The Secret Keeper🤫🤐

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The next day Tyrion finds his wife speaking with Varys in their chambers he also found that his wife had already started changing their chambers to fit them better and be more to their liking he bet she had started with the bed and that thought made him smile before he entered the room Lysianassa and Varys were in he stares at the painting of her family that was in their living quarters for it had everyone in it her mother, father, elder and stillborn brother.... though in the painting he is just a baby being held in his mothers arms...., her sister and her grandmother ok not everyone for her uncle was not in it but the "main" ones those that mattered to her and looking at her mother and grandmother he could see where she and her sister got their beauty from once he does walk into the room she and Varys are in Lysianassa stands up and says softly "Týr!"  Tyrion smiles and says "I see you have started without me, you have done a wonderful job my love"  she replies "well you've left me alone for a whole day and I do not wish to see the rest of the city without you by my side so I needed something to keep me busy then I gained some company in the form of this man who came to get you for your meeting with your sister and had to stop, I honestly am grateful for the break"  Varys smiles at her he was surprised how open she was about who she is he was also surprised to find out who she is for he had heard that she and her sister had disappeared and figured they had died what he found most interesting was that he could not tell when she was lying but could tell when she spoke the truth he could also see the love she and Tyrion feel for one another not only by the way they look at each other but how Tyrion's mannerism and body language changes when he sees her "he's been warned of our shadow and promises to keep her as far away from us as possible.... to the best of his ability anyway"  Lysianassa tells Tyrion who smiles "you two best be off though it would be horrid if you kept your dear sister waiting any longer she doesn't seem to be known for her patience!"  she says Tyrion walks over to her and kisses her lips then he and Varys leave after the bald man thanks her for the tea she made him with a small bow "welcome to King's Landing, my dear the city is made brighter by your presence"  Varys says "if only it my presence could make the smell just as pleasant"  she replies he chuckles then he and Tyrion leave the room "your wife is smart"  Varys says to Tyrion who replies "how so!?"  Varys asks "do you not think so!?!"  Tyrion replies "oh, I know she is I'm just curious about what way you believe she's smart"  Varys says as he hands him a drawing Lysianassa gave him "she gave me this when explaining your troubles"  Tyrion takes it and smiles for the drawing was of Shea "what a clever wife I have!"  he whispers with a smile "indeed"  Varys says Tyrion's smile grows and he hands the drawing back to Varys who takes it from him and places it in his pocket....


Lysithea and Fenix go and look for Ghost who had wandered off they find him walking over to the young girl who was in a manner of speaking forced to speak to some of the members of the Nights Watch in the barn and is now carrying a dead skinned rabbit in her hands and hear Sam "save" her from him when she screams in fright as Ghost walks up to her licking his lips but stays at a safe distance from her "no Ghost, no no Ghost away shoo shoo!"  Sam says pointing his finger at the white Dire Wolf Lysithea smiles as Ghost turns and walks over to her and Fenix "good boy!"  she praises softly in her normal nectarous voice.... mainly for listening to Sam even though he is not his owner.... as she pets him "come let's see if we can't hunt for some food of our own I'm sure we can do better than that tiny rabbit she had in her hand"  she says softly in her normal nectarous voice Ghost and Fenix rush into the woods and she follows them shaking her head with a smile.... a few minutes later Lysithea walks over to where Sam and Jon are "where have you been!?"  Jon asks when he sees her "hunting"  she replies in her baritone male voice he looks at her oddly then notices Fenix and Ghost who were walking on either side of her "we brought you a rabbit"  she says in her baritone male voice as Ghost walks over to Jon and lays a dead rabbit down at his feet "that's not funny!"  Sam says Jon looks at him curiously "Ghost was hoping the girl from the barn would share the skinned rabbit she was holding instead he ended up frightening the poor girl by walking up to her and licking his lips she probably thought he was going to eat her"  she says in her baritone male voice Jon lets out a short soft chuckle she looks at Sam and says in her baritone male voice "it was all we could find without going too deep into the woods "  he nods "so.... what did we miss!?"  she asks in her baritone male voice "Sam wanted to kidnap the girl who's pregnant"  Jon replies "sorry Sam but the only way to save any of these gals is to kill their husband-father and though he's a downright bastard he's apparently useful"  she says "yeah!"  Sam says softly a half smile appears on his face after a short while though he wasn't sure why he was smiling....

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