Entering The Lions Den🦁

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Lysianassa enters the room where a Small Council meeting is being held at Tyrion's side but she does not go as far into the room as he does she kisses his lips in front of a very shocked looking number of people who she has yet to meet then takes a step back, turns around and walks out of the room and Tyrion smiles at her departing figure he is truly going to love having her as his wife she makes life more interesting and fun then he says as he continues on his way into the room "don't get up more ravishing than ever, big sister"  he quickly kisses Cersei on the cheek then says as he walks away from her "war agrees with you"  he continues speaking as he heads to the unattended chair at the table "forgive the interruption carry on"  Cersei asks "what are you doing here? and who was that woman!?!"  Tyrion replies as he sits down in the chair at the other end of the table "it's been a remarkable journey I pissed off the edge of the Wall, slept in a Sky Cell, fought with the Hill Tribes"  he smirks and says "found and married my gorgeous wife"  everyone stares at him in shock as he continues like he hadn't just given them all news they were never expecting to hear come from his lips "so many adventures, so much to be thankful for"  while trying to get over her shock that her brother had married a stranger Cersei asks "what are you doing here? this is the Small Council"  Tyrion replies "yes, well, I do believe the Hand of the King is welcome in all Small Council meetings"  Cersei says "our father is Hand of the King.... does he know you married her!?!"  Tyrion replies with a smirk "yes and he hates it just as much as you do! as for the other matter in his absence...."  he hands the bald man he's sitting next to a rolled up piece of parchment the man looks at Cersei and all the members at the table then opens and reads the words on the parchment then says "your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead while he fights"  Cersei stands up and orders as she slams her hands on the table "out! all of you out!"  every person at the table other than Tyrion leaves the room "I would like to know how you tricked father into this"  Cersei says to the brother she hates with ever fiber of her being as she walks over to where he sits "if I were capable of tricking father, I'd be Emperor of the World by now you brought this on yourself"  Tyrion replies Cersei takes a seat in the chair the bald man who read the parchment had left then says "I've done nothing"  Tyrion replies "quite right, you did nothing when your son called for Ned Stark's head now the entire North has risen up against us"  Cersei says "I tried to stop it"  Tyrion replies "did you? you failed that bit of theatre will haunt our family for a generation"  Cersei says "Robb Stark is a child"  Tyrion replies "who's won every battle he's fought do you understand we are losing the war?"  Cersei asks "what do you know about warfare?"  Tyrion replies "nothing but I know people and I know our enemies hate each other almost as much as they hate us"  after a small pause Cersei says "Joffrey is king"  Tyrion repeats "Joffrey is king"  Cersei says "you are here to advise him"  Tyrion replies "I am only here to advise him and if the king listens to what I say, the king might just get his Uncle Jamie back"  after another pause Cersei asks "how?"  Tyrion says "you love your children it's your one redeeming quality that and your cheekbones the Starks love their children as well and we have two of them"  Cersei replies "one"  Tyrion asks "one?"  Cersei says "Arya, the little animal, she disappeared"  Tyrion asks "disappeared? what, in a puff of smoke?"  he pauses then says "we had three Stark's to trade you chopped one's head off and let another escape father will be furious it must be odd for you to be the disappointing child"  he slides out of his seat then walks out of the room and starts the search to find his wife luckily he didn't have to go too far for she had found their Chambers in the Tower of the Hand and was "getting to know" their hopefully temporary home....

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