The Bastard, The Imp And The Queen👑

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Lysithea stands by Jon as they along with Robb watch Bran practice his archery skills and he hits a barrel next to the target he was supposed to hit then becomes disappointed that he missed Jon walks over to Bran and places his hands on the young ones shoulders then says softly "go on, father's watching"  Bran looks over his shoulder and sees both of his parents standing on the balcony "I think he'd be proud of you"  Lysithea says to Bran who looks at her and asks "really!?!"  she nods with a smile then says "you haven't given up no matter how many times you failed you keep trying"  she pauses then asks "did your brother tell you what happened the first time he tried!?"  Bran shakes his head "from what I understand his first arrow went over the wall and into the woods.... I heard that they had venison for dinner that night"  they hear Ned Stark laugh and Bran smiles Robb on the other hand rolls his eyes "what happened when you tried!?"  Bran asks "we had roasted boar"  she replies Ned's laughter booms so loud it echoes around the area "what did you do to finally succeed!?"  Bran asks "I used to pretend that the little black dot in the middle of the target was every person who hurt me and my family or the words I've heard being said about the people I care about I still do that at times this way I'm not becoming them by hurting them"  she replies Jon's eyes become sad and she slides her hand into his and gives it a light squeeze then she lets it go and whispers a few pointers into Brans ear as she places her hands where Jon once placed his and with her soft and gentle guidance he finally hits his mark "see a calm mind and relaxed body does wonders"  she whispers Bran smiles "now.... do you want to try a few more or....!?"  she asks Bran's smile grows Lysithea turns and sees Arya standing behind them with a bow and arrow in her hands then says "I'll just make sure your sister doesn't ruin your practice"  Bran turns and sees his sister who was once smiling and is now looking quite upset as Lysithea walks over to her with her hand held out Arya lays the bow and arrow in Lysithea's hand then sulks as she walks away muttering something rude under her breath.... a minute or so later Jon, Robb and Bran head off with their father who's men found a deserter "stay brave"  Lysithea whispers to Bran as she places her hand on his shoulder before they leave Bran nods she walks over to Jon and softy kisses his lips and Jon smiles she respectfully nods her head at Robb who frowns and she bows before Ned who smiles at her then bows in return when the men return they are holding 7 direwolf pups Ned hands Lysithea the one he's holding that has red and black fur that flows in a way that it almost looks like flames of a fire "this one is for you"  he tells her she nods with a smile and gently takes the pup from him as she says softly "thank you"  he asks "what will you name him!?"  she replies as she looks at the dire wolf pup in her arms "Fenix F-e-n-i-x"  he smiles for he knew that she spelt it that why "in honor of" Fenrir without actually giving the pup the wolf gods name and he could see why she gave the pup the name phoenix for its fur did remind him of fire and ash "you know they're great protectors fiercely loyal too probably the only beings you know will never betray you for any reason"  she tells him his smile grows and he laughs at her ending words he only gave the pup to her because he knew how people would take to Jon who officially had it as they walked home did so like he was trying to gain her favor by giving her a gift but Ned believed that their relationship was more than that that it is one of the purest ones a person could only dream of having and he hoped it continued till their dying day(s) he also knew that she knew what he had done and why and that is why she thanked him for she saw him take the pup from Jon and as Ned leaves her side Jon walks over to her and asks "what was that about!?!"  Lysithea replies "he didn't want people to think you were paying me for the sex we've been having!"  they hear Ned burst out laughing and Jon smiles for he now knows she was joking and slightly understands what she meant and a wave of relief flows through him "Fenix huh!?"  he asks "it fits don't you think!?"  she asks he nods with a smile she slides her fingers through his hair and kisses his lips with a soft sensual passion then asks "what are you naming yours!?"  he replies "I don't know yet"  she nods and pets the white pup that lays in his arm then takes Jon's free hand in hers and they walk towards his home.... a few weeks later Lysithea walks into the building where the boys were getting their hair cut and faces shaved just as Jon was being pushed into the chair in front of the barber "don't you touch his hair!"  she says as she walks into the door the barber named Tommy smiles at her as the other boys turn and stare at her in shock and Tommy hands her his shears and shaving blade "honestly I really don't understand this after all it isn't the hair that makes a man not to mention it isn't like his hair is so long he looks like a girl!"  she says as she walks over and stands behind Jon then gently starts massage his scalp with the tips of her fingers the boys around them chuckle at her words Jon starts to look up at her but stops when he hears her say "unless you want to go bald I suggest you don't move your head wolf!"  the boys laugh as Jon once again straightens his head she moves her body around the chair enough so that she could kiss his lips with a smile and whispers "the good thing about hair is that it grows back to the way you like it with time"  then straightens and starts cutting his hair Jon smiles at the other boys stare at them with jealous eyes....

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