A Heart Full Of Hate Cannot Love❤️‍🔥

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Lysithea and Jon take Fenix and Ghost out hunting in the woods and when they come back to Craster's Keep with their catch laying along their shoulders or in their hands and they see Craster carry his newborn son out into the woods and luckily were yet to be seen by Craster himself they watch as he lays his son in the snow then leaves and once he's gone a creature with glowing blue eyes walks over to the baby and picks it up Jon wanted to go fight and save the child but Lysithea nudged him gently and he reluctantly walks with her to the Keep Fenix rushes forward when she senses someone untrustworthy coming their way and growls at Craster who backs away in fear "Fenix come, he'd taste horrible anyway!"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice Jon chuckles and Fenix jogs over to her then walks at her side "come any closer and I'll let her rip you to pieces Craster!"  she says in her baritone male voice to the old man who takes a step towards her and Jon and Fenix growls at him once more "you were following me!"  Craster claims "if you say so old man!"  she says in her baritone male voice then she continues on her way to the Keep where Jeor was waiting for them "where have you been!?"  Jeor asks "hunting we got deer, rabbit and a few other things though if you want those other things you're going to have to wait till either Ghost or Fenix shit them out"  Lysithea replies in her baritone male voice Jon chuckles as Jeor says with a smile "no thank you"  she tells him in her baritone male voice "oh and he thinks we were following him as he laid his newborn son out like a sacrifice to the Night Walkers so I do believe we have warn out our welcome sorry not sorry"  he huffs Craster looks at Lysithea and Jon with wide eyes he was so sure they were following him that he missed the fact that they were carrying two deer and some other animals but he still became pissed for they never should have left his land to begin with after all he "sacrificed" so much for these outsiders the least they could do is follow his law while on his land though if you ask no one would ever recall the fact that he made it a rule to never leave his Keep he used that made up anger to do as Lysithea said he would do and kicks the Night Watch out of his Keep....


Tyrion found out that Lysianassa has been getting to know Myrcella and Tommen and that they love her like she truly is family and that makes him very happy he has learned that they have been keeping their meetings with her a secret from their mother which he finds amusing he finds out some surprising news from his wife that Shae has wormed her way into the castle by pretending to be Sansa's new handmaiden "and how do you know this!?!"  he asks "you know how that little redhead loves to complain plus I've seen her but I daresay she has yet to see me"  she replies he chuckles she kisses his lips then says "you know I think you deserve a break"  he asks with a slight coo in his tone "do I!?!"  she nods then takes his hand and leads him to their bathroom and when he sees the bathtub full of water but nothing that proves they're going to take a bath "where are we going!?!"  he asks with a curious tone "I thought you'd like to see our land, mind you no one has lived in it for years.... other than the occasional straggler but...."  she replies he smiles for he realizes she means where she grew up she looks at him and asks "are you ready!?"  he nods then they walk into the bath together then appear in a beautiful field of wildflowers that had a pond with a waterfall flowing down into it "down that road is the town I grew up in"  she says pointing to a small road nearby "but this place.... is special it was our favorite place to have little family picnics my, my sister, my grandmother and my brother"  she says softly "I can see why"  he replies with a smile "my sister and I also learned how to swim in that pond"  she tells him his smile grows for thanks to the painting of her family he can almost see her and her sister when they were much younger swimming in the pond "why are we here!?!"  he asks softly "though it's different hearing about the Guards killing those babies reminded me of my brother's death.... when he was 10 and my sister and I were 5 our grandmother idiotically took us all to see our uncle in his little village and as my brother was playing with a few of the kids within that village a group of teenagers and adults alike came over, coaxed the younger children into heading home for the day and when the younger ones had done as they were told the ones who coaxed them away threw stones at him all the while mocking him for his size and stature not only that but the fact that he played with kids younger than him "because he looks like them" when in all honesty the younger ones had invited him into their game without prejudice and as they were throwing stones at him a group of passerby's stopped and watched but did nothing to stop them my uncle included my sister and I heard our brother beg those people to stop hurting him and rushed over to see what was going on but by the time we reached him the last stone was thrown which hit him in the head and killed him we called for our grandmother and she came rushing over and the crowd that once enjoyed the torment of a kind and gentle soul who only wanted to make some friends and have fun dispersed in fear of getting reprimanded for enjoying said "entertainment" including my uncle who paid for his sin anyway a day or so later when.... with our grandmothers permission for she had given the task of what will happen to our uncle to us.... my sister and I gave him the same treatment our brother got so he could know what our brother felt the day he died no we didn't kill him he wouldn't have been the next in line to raise us after our grandmother died if we did but he never walked the same again after that day"  Tyrion stares at his wife in shock he had no idea she and her sister had done that she sits down by the pond and he joins her "this spot reminds me of a better time so I suppose in a way I need it more than you do but I wanted to share it with you"  she says softly "I'm glad you did"  he replies softly with a smile then he lays his head on her arm and they sit in silence for while "we all have monsters inside us Tyrion, a darkness that even we can't bare but with you I know I can for you are my light and I have waited too many years to see it shine again my treatment of your sister reminded me of the darkness that lives within me but I'd like to think I only bring it out when absolutely necessary for if I started to believe it came out for any other reason.... though your light will never dim I-I don't think I could ever see it much less feel it like I want to and.... I don't like it when my monster comes out for there are times when I fear I cannot put it back in especially if it is brought out to protect that light even from his own family"  she says softly he hugs her for he couldn't think of any words to reply with after awhile she stands up and he stands up with her then she takes him to the town she had once lived in which though seemed well taken care of had in a way been taken over by the Earth that had only once surrounded it and it somehow made it even more beautiful "after my sister and I left the people who lived within the town started to leave for no one wanted to be ruled by our uncle and not just because he didn't live by the same laws we did mind you he's no Joffrey but he was in his own way cruel and selfish and no one had forgiven him for allowing those people to kill our brother the teenagers may not have understood the true cruelty of their actions but the adults did yet in a way they may not have as well for perhaps they were raised to be that way I cannot say for certain but they still knew how cruel what they did was and they never truly got reprimanded for it scolded yes but they never actually paid for their crime then again my grandmother couldn't do anything for they were not a part of our land they did not live by our rule and it was not her place to make them pay for their crime.... it amazed me that our uncle still tried to do what he tried to do to me and my sister especially since we did to him what we had done but perhaps in his own way that was his punishment my sister and I love this land but we do not want to rule it I don't want to rule anything as I said  we love our freedom...."  she says once they reach the town "wait- why are you telling....!?!" he asks "you didn't read which "maiden" name I used did you!?"  she asks he looks at her curiously she smiles then tells him "it was my birth name that was placed on that "very special paper" not the last name my sister and I came up with to "hide" from the world and after we had left your father the ones who officiated our wedding went to find him and make sure he knew just how legal our wedding was that the paper was not some ploy to make him furious but the actual truth"  she looks at him and asks "do you know why the son was named after the father!?"  he looks at her with a expression of realization as he replies softly with a tone that matched his expression "so they could fool the world into thinking the taller more "normal" son was the one who actually officiates the weddings!"  she says "well the son still chose to "follow in his father's footsteps" but yes that is mainly why"  he smiles "I do believe your father may have once met my grandmother back when she was slightly younger for she was a traveling healer of sorts well known in a lot of lands on both sides I doubt she healed him but perhaps she was called to heal someone in the city he grew up in and since magic is actually known in my family depending on how your father perceives it he may start to become happy I am your wife for if we were to ever bare any children it is possible that the magic my family has may live on in them in a much stronger way than it does me and my sister.... I'm not saying I don't WANT to have your children I would love to have your children but I am uncertain I CAN have children and one thing's for sure I do NOT want to have any while we are at King's Landing"  she says he lets out a short soft chuckle she looks at him and says "I didn't....!"  he says softly with a small smile "I know!"  he kisses her lips then takes her hand in his and they head back to the pond with the waterfall she looks at the waterfall and says "I'm feeling rather dirty so before we head "home" I think I'm going to wash myself.... you are welcome to join me if you wish"  he smiles as she lets go of his hand and starts to strip out of her clothes then walks into the water and swims over to the waterfall and he follows suit stripping out of his clothes and walking into the water "how are we to wash when we didn't bring anything with us to wash ourselves with!?"  he asks as he swims over to her "oh, is that what I said we'd be doing!?!"  she asks with a playful coo he nods with a smile she kisses his lips and he feels the gentle spray of the waterfall as her hands start to explore his body his eyebrow raises when he realizes the true meaning of why they were in that particular area for the pond wasn't all that deep so doing what she wished to do would be easy for them and it was what she wished to do.... make love to him here of all places.... that he was more interested in and of course he allowed it as a matter of fact he joined in once he figured out that was what she wanted to do and much like after their wedding when they pretended to swim when they came back to where they were with Bronn once they were spent she brings them back to their chambers and they take a actual bath in the still warm water that was in their bathtub with all the things one needs to take a bath ready and waiting for them when they had returned oh I may have forgotten to mention that though Lysianassa didn't want anyone but them in their chambers Tyrion had talked her into hiring a few helpers/servants so that she wasn't doing everything herself and she called for a few people who once served her family to come serve them and thanks to the fact that Cersei had closed off the city to anyone who wasn't already in it she had used her I suppose we'll call it portal ability to bring them into their chamber to work for them for there was no one she trusted more than the dwarfs she was either raised by or lived with for half her life and Tyrion loved the fact that she called upon them for he got to learn more about her as a child when he asked those very people about her and they willingly told him stories about her life growing up well at least what they knew of it....

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