Scarred Souls

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When Lysianassa wakes up she finds Varys sitting by the bed talking with Tyrion "good morrow Big Bird"  she says softly as she sits up and looks at him "good morning my Lady"  Varys replies with a smile "has the root grown yet!?"  she asks he looks at her oddly then sees Tyrion smile he looks at the scars on her face and the one on Tyrion's and begins to understand what she met then replies "not yet"  she looks at her husband and says "you should feed it better!"  Tyrion laughs then replies "I have yet to fall asleep my love"  she says "it'll enjoy some wine too it is your root after all!"  he chuckles "I have never noticed your scars before"  Varys says softly "no I suspect you wouldn't have"  she replies "they are quite beautiful"  he says softly "thank you my Lord"  she replies he smiles "did you have a nice meeting with Ros?!"  she asks he tilts his head at her "you smell of her incense and perfume"  she tells him "she is a lovely woman"  he replies "find my sanity yet!?!"  she asks he laughs then replies "I have yet to find mine my Lady"  she says "so there is something you can fail at hmm!?"  he smiles "that's when you....!?!"  Tyrion asks with a soft surprised tone.... when Lysianassa asked Varys to see if he could find Tysha she kept it a secret from Tyrion jokingly telling him when he walked in on them having said conversation that she was sending Varys on a errand to find her sanity which the Master of Secrets had found amusing and at the time Tyrion thought nothing of it for he knew they had become good friends possibly even better friends than he has with the tall bald man it wasn't like she saw him more than he did but she did confide in him over any other person in King's Landing when it came to who she really is which seemed to have gained his trust not only that but she is easy to get along with if you tried to do so and Varys did indeed try to do so possibly in the same way he did Tyrion.... Lysianassa nods with a smile "why didn't you tell me!?!"  he asks "because your reaction wouldn't have been a true one and your sister seems to like thinking she has one up on us I mean she found the others but I had Bronn go with the men to bring them to the Keep to make sure they were unharmed when they were found and brought but she was the most important because she was your first and would have carried the biggest impact and it seems your sister had the reaction you were meant to have when you saw us all"  she replies he smiles "why did he do it!?"  Lysianassa asks Varys who replies "your sister in law ordered him to"  she nods then says "that doesn't surprise me after all she could have just blamed the war if he had died and her hands as always would stay clean as would her coward of a sons"  Tyrion looks at her and asks with a surprised expression on his face "you truly think she would order me dead!?!"  she replies "she hates you, blames you for a death that wasn't your fault she would do anything to get rid of you, hurt you and or make you angry so you can feel her so called pain"  she replies softly she slides her hand along his scarred cheek and he closes his eyes to her gentle touch as she says softly "it's wonderful that you want to believe in your family despite the cruelty they have shown you your whole life but in your heart of hearts you know we speak the truth so why do you show them honor when they have none!?"  he sighs "if it weren't for your Squire's bravery, you'd be a dead man"  Varys tells Tyrion who looks over at Podrick who is standing by the door and says "Pod"  Podrick takes a step forward and says "yes, my Lord"  Tyrion says "would it be excessive of me to ask you to save my life twice in a week?"  Podrick and Lysianassa smile "no, my Lord"  Podrick says "you're a good lad"  Tyrion tells him Lysianassa hugs her husband to her chest and he cups her arms in his hand as he sinks into her loving embrace "I am sorry I had not realized you were not at my side till it was too late!"  she whispers he looks up at her and kisses her lips then says "all is forgiven my gentle flower"  she smiles then teases "uh oh it seems Sandor has rubbed off on you a little!"  he smiles then says "it suits you well!"  she smiles softly then teases "does this mean I have to come up with something for you then!?!"  he shakes his head with a smile then says "it is enough knowing how much you truly love me"  she looks at Varys and asks "have you told him about the Tribesmen!?"  Varys replies "not yet"  Tyrion asks "where are the Tribesmen!?"  Varys replies "on their way home your father paid them quite handsomely I'm afraid we won't be seeing each other for some time, my Lord and Lady"  Lysianassa asks with a smile "off on an adventure are we!?"  Varys replies with a smile "something like that, there are many who know that without you, this city faced certain defeat the King won't give you any honors the histories won't mention you but we will not forget"  Lysianassa says with a smile "thank you Varys and come back to us safely"  he nods with a smile then stands up and bows then walks out of the room Podrick opens the door for him as he reaches it "come along now, Podrick"  Varys says once he reaches the other side of the door and Podrick follows him out closing the door behind him "I know my love, if you wish to stay we will stay but you truly do need a bath"  Lysianassa whispers once they are gone Tyrion chuckles softly then allows her to lead him to their bathroom where she draws him a bath and once it's warm enough he climbs in then she washes him gently including his scar which she uses herbs her grandmother had taught her would help keep it clean as well as heal it to the best of their ability Tyrion who had closed his eyes to the feel of her gently washing him looks around for her when he feels her stop washing him then feels the water in his bath move then looks forward and sees his wife laying above him he feels her slide her hand over his cock then slide it into her vulva and rock gently on top of him he smiles as she leans down and kisses his lips and they make love to one another in the bath leaving it just before the water started to go cold....

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