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 ━━━━━━2009━━━━━━       in the present        ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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in the present

Chapter 6: lost girls


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"What are you?" Elena asked with a stern look on her face.

Stefan looked at the both of them in astonishment, shocked that they were both here.

"What are you?" Elena asked again, with more bass in her voice.

"You know."

"We don't."  Elena replied, wanting him to be the one to say it.

"Yes, you do, or you two wouldn't be here." The young Salvatore spoke, opening his eyes to both of them.

"It's not possible. It can't be." Elena kept denying, looking back at Imani for conformation but getting nothing but a look of confusion.

Stefan stepped down while they moved back, scared of him.

"Everything you two know, and every belief that you have, is about to change. Are you ready for that?" Stefan questioned them, looking into their eyes.

"What are you?" Imani and Elena asked him at the same time, tired of the back and forth.

"I'm a vampire." He sighed, knowing their opinions wouldn't be so nice.

Imani gasped loudly, while Elena's mouth quivered, not wanting to believe he was right. By the look on his face it seemed he was.

"We shouldn't have come." She spoke more to herself.

"No, please, please." Stefan stopped them in their tracks.

"Stay back."  Elena blurted toward him, scared he'd harm them.

"Elena please."  Stefan pleaded, reaching out again.

"Stefan, please stay back." Imani retorted as she and Elena rushed off the balcony to the car in a hurry.

Stefan sped in front of the car, startling the two girls as he spoke, "Can you guys listen to me? This is serious."

"I know you're my friend but if you don't move your hand from my car," Imani said, "I'll run you over."

Throwing his hands up in disappointment, he moved out of the way while the two girls sped away without looking back at his retreating figure.

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DRIVING THE TWO BACK HOME, IMANI finally made it into her driveway, a bit staggered at what Stefan told them. Rushing out of the car, locking the car door, walking to the door, she dropped her keys after hearing a noise behind her.

Turning around, there stood her now ex boyfriend Tyler Lockwood. Holding flowers and chocolates.

"Oh my fucking gosh, you scared me." Imani shouted, hand over her chest from choking on air.

"Sorry, I saw you pull in the driveway." He spoke nervously, scratching his head: "I wanted to come by and say I was sorry." He graced her with a big smile on his face, holding up a bouquet of pink begonias in his right hand, and a note in his left.

"I see." She laughed stiffly. "Tyler, thanks for the flowers and chocolates, but I don't think that this." She gestured to both of them, "Can work...Not after Vicki."

"I understand...."  His smile fell "you can keep the flowers." He spoke as he sadly backed down the steps.

"Yea, uh, friends." She awkwardly gave him a handshake. "Thanks."

"Yeah, I'll be seeing you." He gulped as he jogged off of her doorstep.

"Fuck my life." She face-palmed herself as she eventually unlocked the door.

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