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━━━━━━2009━━━━━━in the present        ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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in the present

Chapter 8:  A girl on the run and unwanted encounters

Chapter 8:  A girl on the run and unwanted encounters

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     "Speaking of compulsion Is he capable of harming and compelling Elena and I the same way Katherine did you guys?" Imani asked Stefan as the three of them walked away from what used to be his home.

     "Yes. Like I said, he's unpredictable." Stefan said, "That's why it's good to make sure you're always on guard."


     "With vervain. I put vervain in Elena's necklace to protect her, and I can do the same to you with yours."

     Before she could speak again, Elena's phone rang, and she answered it to hear Jeremy's frantic voice.

     Putting her hand over one ear so she could hear better "Wait, Jeremy, slow down. What happened?" Elena asked but got nothing but jibberish on the other end.

     Hanging the phone up, she looked flushed, "We have to go back to my house now!"

˗ˏˋ ˎˊ˗


     THE THREE OF THEM RAN into the Gilbert home, hearing things being thrown and somebody yelling for them to stop.

     Vicki?  Matt?

     Walking further into the room, there were Matt, Vicki, and Jeremy. It seemed like they were trying to calm her down.

     "What's going on?" Elena spoke, with Imani right next to her, still confused on what was happening.

     "She's really messed up." Matt pointed at his sister. "She won't stop."

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