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━━━━━━2009━━━━━━       in the present        ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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in the present

Chapter 7: lost girls pt.2

     "Elena, he gave me a note

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"Elena, he gave me a note."

"What did Tyler put in it?" Elena asked as she put her seatbelt on.

"How'd you know it was Tyler?"

"He's the only one right now that wants to get back together with you, but so is Jackson." Elena joked.

"Hey." playfully hitting her. "Jackson just has a crush on me and that will never-"

"Happen. I know, but what did he confess?" Elena turned to her.

"That he was sorry and he'd never do it again because he loves me, blah blah blah." She sighed "I also didn't read the rest after that."

"You're serious." Elena laughed, "Never thought I'd see the day that Tyler wrote a note, especially a love note indicating an apology."

"I said the same thing, his mom probably made him do it." She thought to herself a bit "but I told him no yesterday."

"How'd he take it?"

"In general or metaphorically?" I slightly turned my head towards her as she laughed a bit.

"In general."

"He looked embarrassed that I turned him down, but I felt bad a bit."

"There's no need to feel bad, Mani. He's the one who cheated, not you."

"I know, but still, we've known each other since we were kids and dated since freshman year, and I didn't want to hurt him."

"Mani, listen. He'll be fine, just give him a couple days. He'll brush it off and go back to the normal Tyler we always knew, ok?"

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