It's Snowing At Castle Black❄️🏰⬛

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Tyrion got to see how Lysithea fights as she and Jon spar with the men of Castle Black and he was quite impressed by both of them especially when they were pitted against one another he could tell by the look in the sister of the woman he loves eyes that she was telling him to not go easy on her and Jon did not disappoint and even though their fighting styles are very different from one another they were evenly matched though he bet they made sure it looked that way to the others for he could see her become tired and he bet that Jon could too and both men were relieved when the trainer told them all to go get cleaned up.... "look boys it isn't our fault you were never taught to be men hopefully you may actually learn here!"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice to the three guys who attacked her and Jon Tyrion who was standing in the doorway does his best to hide his amusement for even though she is using her low male baritone voice she still somewhat sounds like her female self the ones she was insulting on the other hand rush to attack her till she raises her sword at them and they freeze with fear in their eyes "out! or I'll castrate the lot of ya! which is exactly what will happen if you threaten me or Jon ever again!"  she threatens in her baritone male voice and they rush out of the door with wide fearful eyes "woke up has he!?"  Lysithea asks in her normal nectarous voice with a smile as she looks at her smirking friend Tyrion nods then walks over and hands Jon a rolled up letter and Jon takes it with a surprised expression on his face "everyone has their reasons for conscripting boys into this place but you.... you wanted it Jon! yes you had the wrong idea of what it was but unlike most you've lived a rather sheltered life in that walled cage you call home free and protected from the wrongs of the world many of these people aren't so lucky and I'm pretty sure Rion could tell you about many of them for he's nosey like that, but there is a lesson to be learned here it seems that things are earned and thinking your better just because you can fight and they can't doesn't earn you shit! it most definitely won't earn you the respect you think you so rightfully deserve! I wasn't trying to prove myself better only protect myself and you but you let your ego get too high and I think you need to lower it a few clicks before you're able to earn anything here.... perhaps you should teach them maybe they can actually learn something if you do and be almost as good if not better than you are for like Rion said these boys are your brothers now so ask yourself.... what would you do for your brothers!? then do it, me I could care less either way after all I'm here for you not them"  she says as she looks at Jon who was now reading the letter he looks up at her as she walks away from him and out of the building and Tyrion smiles at her departing figure....


Lysianassa rides her horse up to a Dothraki who was whipping a man who was walking at his side with a large basket on his back she catches the whip with her hands and threatens in the Dothraki language "do that again and I kill you then give him your horse!"  the Dothraki growls at her and she stares at him as though challenging him and he stops "go on, if you can walk a little further"  she tells the slave who got whipped just for walking by the Dothraki mans horse or some bullshit "how can you command respect when you give none!?!"  she asks the Dothraki in the Dothraki language the Dothraki narrows his eyes at her "as if you have the power to scare me you weakling!"  she tells him in the Dothraki language then she rides away from the whipper she ends up riding next to Jorah when a few Dothraki rush into a field on their horses to protect their Khaleesi from her own brother she slides off her horse after Viserys orders Jorah to kill the Dothraki Viserys smirks thinking he finally got her to listen to him frowns when he hears her say as she walks over to him while sliding her sword out of its sheath and pointing it at him "you think this proves that you are a man!?! you will NEVER be a man!.... I'll tell you what Viserys if you can defeat me I'll let you fuck me if you can't then you will never bother me again nor will you ever make demands of your sister again!"  Viserys smirks as he stands then starts a fight that he of course loses in a few simple swings "pick it up!"  she orders once he loses his sword Viserys huffs angrily but does as he's told and tries again and once again loses though this time she had a little fun and let him have a few extra swings of his sword which he loses one more time "last chance"  she tells him he growls then picks up his sword and tries again and loses once again and this time she picks up his sword "I think I'll keep this after all only a man should be allowed to carry a weapon"  she tells Viserys who growls angrily "you know the sad part Jorah!?"  she asks looking at the man she rode into the field with "no what!?!"  Jorah asks with a small smile "I was trained by dwarfs he was trained by "professionals".." she tells him he chuckles Viserys rushes towards her with a growl she turns around and points his own sword at his adams apple "you have already proven how weak you are you really want to make it worse for yourself!?!"  she asks "you know I think that if dragons live like we do they would have killed you the day you were born you're not worthy of even being called one!"  she says after a small pause he growls and tries to attack her without a weapon she hands her swords including the one she's "earned" to Jorah who takes them then she lets Viserys "blow off some steam" and yet it is proven that he can't even win a fight barehanded for she wins that as well in just a few simple moves she also never touches him he loses when he once again falls on his ass "I may not be one of them but I have not only gained their respect but the respect of their Kal and that alone is dangerous who's respect have you earned!?!"  she asks Viserys who replies "I am a king! I don't need respect just obedience!"  she says "all kings need to earn the respect of their people it's part of what makes them good kings using your title as a excuse to rule over a persons life just because "you can" is not the way of a true king.... or at least it shouldn't be but human selfishness gets in the way"  she walks back over to her horse and says as she climbs back on it "I won't kill you but I hope you die a painful death and soon for you are not only not worthy of the Kal's army you are not worthy of the life you were born in and yet here you are still breathing.... what a waste of air! oh and you can walk from here on out I think I'll give your horse to the slave with a basket"  Jorah chuckles she rides her horse over to the one who holds the reins of Viserys and says softly in Dothraki "I will take him"  the Dothraki nods then hands her the horses reins she pats the horse and whispers "you poor thing you're free now!"  then she slowly rides out of the field.... that night Lysianassa prepares to leave whispering to herself "time for a test"  Jorah walks over to where she was getting her horse ready and asks "leaving already!?!"  she replies "I promised Daene that I will stay by her side till she needs me and she's starting to become the strong woman I have always known she could be I figured I'd leave for a bit then come back as a test of sorts to see if she's ready to "set me free" I have people in the North who are waiting for me, people I have not seen since I was 12 and I miss them but I was all she had for a very long time she considered me her strength and now that she is no longer alone.... I think she's more ready than even she believes for as long as her husband stays strong they will stay by her side as well, I do worry about the day he's no longer what his people need him to be but hopefully by then she will be strong enough that she won't even need him or them"  he nods with a smile "you're leaving too I see"  she says he chuckles then replies "for awhile.... if you would like to join me I would love the company"  she nods then says "it probably would go smoother if she knew I went with you"  he chuckles then says as he walks over and gently slides his fingers over the scars of her pure black stallion "I've been meaning to ask...."  she tells him "I saved him from a stable fire when I was 11 where anyone else would kill him I helped him live"  he nods with a smile "we're alike him and I people want to either kill us or cure us we'd rather have it where people left us alone"  she says he chuckles....


Jon seemed to have taken the woman he loves words to heart for he started helping the other boys out Tyrion left and went back to Winterfell before heading home Lysithea gets left alone now for all the boys are afraid she will castrate them if they got too close and the thought actually made Jon smile for the boys were so afraid of her she got her own barracks which may have been her plan all along one night Jon took her up to the top of the wall and kissed her endlessly that is until she pulled away at first he was sad then he realized that they had company someone he didn't hear but she somehow did and it made him feel better he thought she had stopped loving him but instead she had saved both of them or she would have if it was someone of importance but it was just Sam the coward the new and fatter boy of the crew who Ser Alliser had sent to be Jon's new Watch partner and when Jon told him to come stand by the fire Lysithea whispers in her normal nectarous voice "I think he has a fear of heights"  and she gets proven right for Sam slowly walks over with scuffled steps then looks over the edge of the wall with wide frightened eyes "you can't fight you can't see you're afraid of heights and almost everything else probably what are you doing here, Sam?"  Jon asks "on the morning of my 18th nameday, my father came to me "you're almost a man now," he said "but you're not worthy of my land and title tomorrow, you're going to take the Black, forsake all claim to your inheritance and start North if you do not," he said "then we'll have a hunt and somewhere in these woods your horse will stumble and you'll be thrown from your saddle to die or so I will tell your mother nothing would please me more".."  Sam tells him quoting his fathers own words to him after a pause Sam asks "Ser Alliser's going to make me fight again tomorrow, isn't he?"  Lysithea replies with her male baritone voice "he does seem like the type, hopefully they can find a use for you, a cook or a servant everyone has their uses perhaps we can figure out yours"  Sam says "let's hope cause I'm not going to get any better"  Jon replies "you can't get any worse"  he and Sam laugh Lysithea stares at the land by the wall in silence.... Jon had gotten used to treating the woman he loves like any other man touching her as he would one of his brothers but he was looking forward for a moment like the one they had before Sam came and ruined it he knew that he couldn't make love to her not that he would want to with how cold it got up there on top of the Wall but he loves the way her lips feel and taste on his they tend to make sure they aren't spending every waking moment together but still see each other as often as possible even if it is from afar the next morning Lysithea walks into the building where everyone eats just as one of the guys says "you girls can do as you please but if Thorne puts me up against Lady Piggy I'm gonna slice me up a side of bacon"  and she walks over then punches him square in the jaw possibly breaking it or at least dislocating it for the guy grips his jaw as soon as her fist leaves his face and she takes a seat next to Jon which shows who's side "he's" on

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