Part 11

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Here's the next part.. Enjoy and please ignore typos and errors..


Raghav hurriedly gets down the stairs and was surprised to see Abhi, Sid and Vishal there..

They three gets up from the sofa smiling widely and waves at him excitedly.

Abhi, sid, vishal - hiiiii Raghavvvv ..

Raghav (shocked) - What the hell are you guys doing here.. ??

Abhi (smiling widely) - Why..?? Can't we come here..??

Sid (smiling even more widely ) - We just thought it would be great to hang out with you.. Don't you think so..??

Raghav glaring at him - No

Sid - Oh.. Come on dude .. Don't be like this..

Raghav just shakes his head at them..

Raghav - By the way why didn't you inform me before coming here..??

Abhi - We thought we will just surprise you..

Raghav (rolling his eyes) - Yeah right.. More like a shock..

Sid (looking around) - Uhmm.... So...... Where is.... Uhhh... Ragini.....??

Raghav squints his eyes towards them..

Raghav - Why do you want to know about her..??

Sid(shrugging) - Nothing.... Just like that.. Thought it would be nice to meet her again..

Raghav - You don't need to think about her.. You are here to hang out with me, right..?? So we will just do that.. Anyways she is very busy.. She doesn't have time..

Abhi, Sid and Vishal (in a low spirited voice) - Ohh..

Raghav understanding what their intentions were just rolls his eyes..


Half an hour later,

Abhi, Sid, vishal and Raghav were busy in playing video games when they saw Ragini coming downstairs..

They instantly put the controller down and gets up fixing their hair and clothes etc and a silly smile appears on their face..

" Hii Ragini.. "

They waved at her with great enthusiasm...

Raghav shakes his head in irritation..

Ragini was surprised to see them ..Smiling she goes towards them..

Ragini - Hey.. You guys here..?? (She looks at the video games spread there she raise her brows) hanging out, hunh..??

Abhi (blushing like normally teenagers do) - Uhmm yeah..

Ragini (smiling) - Alright then you guys continue.. I won't disturb you.. But did you all had something..?? Should I make something or order for you all..??

Raghav - No Di.. It's alright.. If we will want something then I will order it and murli kaka is also here.. You don't worry..

Ragini (shrugging) - Alright then.. I will let you be but raghu make sure to take care of them properly..

Raghav - Sure.. But are you going somewhere.. ??

Ragini - Yeah but not yet.. There is still some time.. I will get out of your hair.. Have fun..

Sid - Uhmm.. Then why don't you also join us..

Abhi and vishal nods their heads and looks at her expectantly..

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