Part 24

820 99 16

Here is the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors..


Raghav looks at her hurtfully and shocked..

Raghav - You..... You really did that..??

Ragini - Raghu listen.. I...

Raghav - For..... For that laksh..?? You were ready to take your life for him.....??

Tears flow from his eyes  ..

Ragini - Raghu I know it wasn't right but atleast listen to me..

Raghav (shouting) - NOOOO.....

Ragini gets shocked by his shout..

Raghav wipes his eyes and looks angrily...

Raghav - NO.. You listen to me..?? What excuses will you even give..?? What will you say..?? Hunh..?? You didn't have any choice..??

More tears fall from his eyes.....

Raghav - What am I..?? Am I not your choice..??

His voice breaks at this.....

Ragini - No raghu.. It's not like that..

She moves towards him but he takes a step back showing his hand.. Ragini gets even more shocked by this..

A tear escapes her eyes..

Jatin - Raghav.. I know you are hurt but try to understand it's..

Raghav - I don't want to understand..

He looks at jatin..

Raghav -  You hear that..?? I don't want to understand.. What is there to understand in this  ?? Wait........

He looks at ragini in question..

Raghav - When did this happen?? Why don't I know about it..?? Dad knows but not me.. Why..... ??  How..... How do you know dad..??

Jatin looks down at this..

Jatin - I.. I was the one who....... Who saw her..

He closes his eyes not able to compete and clenches his fist tightly..

Raghav felt his heart getting twisted hearing this and moves towards ragini..

Raghav - Was it that easy for you.. ??

Ragini (shaking her head) - No raghu.... I.

Raghav - You didn't even think about anyone.. Right..?? Not even me..

He whisper the last part looking at her accusingly..

Raghav - You didn't think about anyone.. Actually you didn't even care..

Ragini (shaking her head) - No..

Ragini - You didn't care that there us someone who has made you his world..
Who can't live without you.. You didn't care what would happen to me if something happened to you.. All you cared about was that laksh, right ??

Ragini goes towards him and holds his hands..

Ragini - No raghu.. It's nothing like that.. Please understand me..

Raghav removing his hands forcefully..

Raghav - I said I don't want to understand...... What's more to understand.. I have understood very well that all you thought about was the guy you met just few months ago.. Your whole world revolved around him even your life depended on him.. I.. I was no where.. You loved him enough to die for him but you did not love me enough to even think about me..

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