Part 23

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Here is the next part.. Enjoy but do ignore the typos and errors..


"Ragini Jiji"

Ragini turns and saw mickie coming towards her smiling happily.. She also smiles excitedly..

Mickie - How are you jiji..?? It's so good to see you again..

Ragini - Hii Mickie..I am perfectly fine and I am so happy to see you as well..

Mickie - So how are you here..?? Oh you must have come to pick that bandar..

Ragini shows her the eyes, she bites her tongue..

Mickie - that Raghav.. Right.. ??

Ragini - Yeah.. We were planning to go out today and have some fun.. We do that from time to time..

Mickie - Really  ..?? Where were you going..??

Ragini (shrugging) - Haven't decided.. Wherever we get the mood to.. We just want to have fun together.. Where and how we do it, doesn't matter..

Mickie - Wow.. It must be awesome to have siblings.. (Pouting) I am the only child for my parents and I hardly get to see my cousins.. You know I have grown up being alone..

Ragini - Aww.. (She cups her cheeks) I understand the feeling.. But dont worry, you now have your sister here,right..??

Mickie(excitedly) - Really..??

Ragini - Yup..

Mickie hugs her arm excitedly..

Mickie - You know jiji you are too cute..

Ragini (chuckling and pinching her nose) - not more than you.....

Mickie giggles cutely..

"Excuse me... What is going on here?? "

They both turns to see Raghav looking at them with frown..

Ragini (smiling) - Raghu.. You are here..

Raghav - Yes I am here but may I know what she is doing here..??

Mickie (rolling her eyes) - I was giving her the company while you were as usual late..

Raghav - Oh.. Is that so..?? Thank you for the services.. Now you may go..

Ragini(scolding) - Raghav..

Raghav - Di.. Aren't we getting late..?? Let's go..

Mickie - Can't you see, we are talking..??

Raghav - No.. Correction.. You "were" talking.. Now we are going.. Bye bye

He waves at her and holds ragini's hand to go towards the car..

Mickie - What do you think of yourself, you are some king or what..?? Everyone will bow at you..?? Jiji you know he is so infuriating.. Throwing his attitude around as if owns the world..

Raghav turns and squints his eyes at her..

Raghav - Excuse me..?? Are you compaining about me to my Di...??

Mickie - No.. I am complaining about you to my jiji..

Raghav(scoffing) - Jiji..?? Right.. She is my di.. And never forget that.. Ok..?? Let's go di..

Ragini - Shh....Shut up....Mickie you Just ignore him..

Raghav (shocked) - Hey..

Ragini - I said shhhh..

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