Part 25

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Here's the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors..


Ragini arranges the table and expectantly looks above towards raghav's room..

Jatin - Hmm.. Nice smell.. Seems like my gudiya made lots of dishes..

He takes a glance at dining table and rolls his eyes..

Jatin - And it's all raghav's favourites.. You are too biased..

He looks at her with pout, while she faintly smiles and again looks up with nervousness.. Jatin notices this and put his hand on her shoulder..

Jatin - he will come in sometime..

Ragini - You think he will like it..??

Jatin - Ofcourse.. All this favourites made by his di.. Why would he reject..??

Then they see raghav coming down the stairs.. His steps pause as he saw ragini looking at him with smile and then with a straight face moves to go out the door..

Ragini - B.. B.. Breakfast.. At least do the breakfast..

Raghav (looking sideways) - Not hungry..

Saying that he was about to walk out again..

Ragini - I made all your favourites.. You like them.. Right..??

She looks at him hopefully.. Raghav looks at all the dishes and looks at her..

Raghav (curtly) - I said I am not hungry. I will have something in college..

Ragini - But..

Raghav - And yeah next time dont need to show all these gestures to me.. To pretend how much you care or love me..No need to do any favour..

Ragini feels her heart getting broken hearing these from him.. She looks at him in disbelief..


She whispers sadly..

Raghav looks at her with no expressions..

Raghav -It's Raghav.. That's what my name is.. Raghav.. You hear that  ?? I m not anyone's raghu.. Not anymore....

All this time he did not turn to look at her face.....

Jatin (angrily) - Enough Raghav.. Are you out of your mind..?? She is your sister.. Have you forgotten your manners..?? How dare you talk to her like that..

Raghav (turning to him) - It's wrong of me..?? I am always the one who is wrong.. I am the problem.. Then she should have just stayed away.. Neither she would have talked nor I would have said anything.. After all for everyone I would always be wrong and she is always right.. You all will always be on her side..

A tear drops from her eyes..

Ragini - Raghu........ (Taking a deep breath) Rag... Hav.... Sides..?? Since when these sides came in between us..??

Raghav clencheahis fist as he hears his full name from her mouth.. Finally he turns to look at her and raise his brow..

Raghav - You are asking me that..?? Don't you know..?? You are the one created them.. You.. The darling daughter..

Jatin - Raghav.. Enough now.. I won't tolerate this behavior of yours with her..

Ragini - Mamu.. Plz.. It's between us..

Raghav(getting even more angry) - You don't need to say anything for me .. In fact I don't even want to see you or talk to you.. So please spare me..

Jatin - Is this the way you talk to your sister..?? Apologize to her Right now..

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