Part 19

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Here is the next part.. Plz ignore typos and errors..


Ragini was sitting on the bed pouting..

Raghav - Here.. Have one more sip..

He places the spoon in front of her mouth ..

Ragini - Raghu.. Plz.. I don't like it.. I'm already full..

Raghav - No excuses.. I am going to decide whether you are full or not.. You like so much to be lady dabang, right..?? Now you have to listen to me..

Ragini - That's not fair..

Raghav - Everything is fair when it comes to Raghu.. So open your mouth.. Aaaaa...

She pouts but still opens her mouth.. Raghav smiles a makes her drink the soup..

Raghav - Good girl.. So now it's time to get a reward..

She looks curiously.. He smiles and removes something from his pocket..Her eyes brighten seeing this..

Ragini - Chocolate..??

Raghav nods at her happily.. She takes it and opens it happily..

As she was about to take a bite, she looks towards him who instantly tufns his face away..

She chuckles and slightlt hit his forehead.. She breaks the chocolate into half and places it in front of his mouth..

He takes the bite happily..

Ragini - Silly.. Why don't you bring just another one for yourself.. Always eating half from mine..

Raghav (munching) - who said I didn't..??

Ragini - Huhh..

He takes out another one from his locket and start munching on it..

Ragini squints her eyes at him..

Ragini - You are such a cheater..

Raghav - Where is this cheating..?? Is there any yours and mine between us..?? What's yours is mine and whats mine is also mine..

Ragini holds his ear..

Ragini - Ahah.. Trying to be oversmart..

Raghav - Ahh.. Di.. It's paining..

Ragini - drama

They both giggle at each other..

Raghav ( putting his head on her shoulder) - Di.. Just get better fast please.. I want to eat your handmade pizza..

Ragini - oh so that's why you want me to get better..?? So that you can eat all these..??

Raghav - Yeah that too..

Swara (entering with a tray) - What are you saying.. ?? It's not good for her to strain like this..

Raghav rolls his eyes..

Raghav - Di.. Let everyone know that No one... Absolutely no one has the right to talk between us.. They shouldn't even try..

Swara - I m not even interested.. I m just concerned about ragini..

Raghav - Keep your concern to yourself.. I m here for my di.. Thank you very much..

Swara - I can take care of her as well.. Anyways you might not know much.. You are still young..

Ragini closes her eyes hearing this..

Raghav grits his teeth and gets up and looks at her angrily..

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