Part 29

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Here is the next part.. Enjoy.. Ignore typos and errors..


The car stops outside the party venue.. Aditya, Ragini and Raghav come out of it..

As they were about to enter inside, both Raghav and Adity again extended their arm towards her.. Ragini raised her eyebrows at this..

Aditya looks at raghav with a forceful smile...

Aditya - Raghav banna , Are you going to be third wheeling between us for all the duration of the party..?? Why don't you just go around and find people of your age to play with..??

Raghav(also gives him a fake smile) - I think you are mistaken Yuvraaj.. It's not me , who is third wheeling but you who is ignorant.. I have been beside my Di all the time, it's you who just came.. It's me who has escorted her earlier for all such parties..

Aditya - That was different.. Now she is my girlfriend.. She doesn't need you to escort her inside.. Besides we are the partners in this project as well, it's quite natural hat I escort her.. You can go your way, now I am here to take care of her..

Raghav - No need.. I can take care of her .. (Holding her hand) Let's go Di..

Aditya (holding her other hand) - She will come with me..

Ragini rolls her eyes at this..Oh god....Not again..

Aditya - You..

Raghav - What you...??

As they were pulling her towards themselves from both sides,another car stops behind them and a number of guards rush up towards it..

Adhiraaj comes out of the car and sees the trio standing there.. He goes towards them .. He smiles as he notices ragini's appearance

Adhiraaj - Wow.. You are looking so beautiful beta.. Would I get the pleasure to escort this pretty lady inside..??

He forwards his arms towards her and ragini holds it immediately with a wide smile..

Ragini - Of course kaka.. Pleasure is all mine..Let's go..

Adhiraaj - Alright.. As the lady says.. Let's go..

Saying that they both enter inside the venue while raghav and Aditya keep looking with open mouths..

Raghav - Bloody hell... Why are all of you stinky royals behind my sister.. ??

Aditya - Why is everyone behind my girlfriend.. ??

He looks frowning at raghav..

Aditya- Wait.. Did you just call me and my kaka saheb as stinky..

Raghav widens his eyes and shakes his head hurriedly..

Raghav - Nope it wasn't me.. Your ears must be ringing..

Aditya squints his eyes at him..

Aditya -Alright.. Right now even I am not happy with kaka so I will pretend that I did not hear it.. I will let it go this time..

Raghav takes a breath of relief patting his chest..

They both look at each other determined..

Aditya - Raghav banna.. Let's go.. Get our girl back..

He forwards his hand towards him and Raghav nods and puts his hand on it..

Raghav - Yes.. Let's go..

With eyes full of determination they both
enters inside..

As soon as they entered they looked around for ragini but saw everyone looking at them strangely.. They frown looking at each other in confusion and just then realized that they entered holding each other's hand ..

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