part 26

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Here is the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors and enjoy..


Well.. Fortunately for Aditya Raghav was not talking with Ragini so he didn't say anything and he was saved...... For the time being..


Ragini was at the lakeside lost in her thoughts when someone came and sat beside her..

"Missing your maa.. ?? "

Rahini gets startled and turns to see Adhiraaj sitting there.. She didn't even notice when he came..

She looks down and nods..

Adhiraaj - Are you upset..??

Ragini - I.. I am fine..

Adhiraaj smiles softly at this..

Adhiraaj - You remember the last time we were here you shared your feelings with me as  stranger.. This time why don't you share your feelings with your kaka..??

Ragini looks up at him emotionally and sadly chuckles.

Ragini - Nothing.. I am just having a pity party for myself over here..

Adhiraaj (confused) - Meaning..??

Ragini - Nothing.. Just reminiscing hos messed up I have always been and uow much of a trouble I create for others..

Adhiraaj expression turns serious..

Adhiraaj - What are you saying..??

Ragini (shaking her head) - Nothing.. Leave it..

Adhiraaj (sternly) - Ragini....

Ragini - Just look at me.. Take my birth for example.. My mother knew that my father didn't love her , she didn't even want to be between them but she had to be I'm that loveless marriage.. Why..?? Because of me.. Because she can't give me a broken home.. She never got the love she deserved but still she had to stay, because of me.. My father got this unwanted responsibility of mine.. I became the chain which restrictef both my parents.. I became the reason sharmishta maa could not get her love all these years .. Then swara, I destroyed her life and I can't even describe the way I messed up with laksh's life.. Yuvraaj heart has broken because of me and now my Raghu.. He is so hurt because of me... I am the reason for everyone's misery.. Can't I give happiness to even one..

Adhiraaj looks at her deeply..

Adhiraaj - You really think like that, Ragini..??

Ragini - Is it not true..??

Adhiraaj - If you think so then let me tell you something.. You know all of our lives had gone through a mess.. All of us have lost many things.. Your uncle lost his di and his love, his wife, I have lost people.. My family and my..... Raghav lost his mom, Aditya lost his parents and you lost your mom.. We all know that pain of losing our most precious people but you know what keeps us going..?? gives us the strength to get up and move forward..

Ragini looks at him listening attentively..

Adhiraaj - You think you were a burden to your mother.. No ragini, you were her hope, her strength.. I hvae seen it, the happiness she had on her face while hilding you, as if her whole world revolved around you, you were the biggest happiness for your mother, she might have been in a loveless marriage but she got the greatest gift from it, you..Your uncle you know when lost his di, he was completely broken, shattered but what kept him going..?? You.. The last gift from his sister.. His sister lived through you for him and it gave him the strength to go on and do I need to even talk about Raghav..?? I won't be because I would never be able to describe with words what you are to him.. You know me and adi had each other, we were each other's hoper, Aditya became my reason of living but there has been still something missing and then you came.. Yes aditya's heart has been broken but fir the first time he has cared aboout someone like this, loved someone like this and he is happy.. He really is.. And, me (chuckling) you epukd never know what you mean to me (he cups her cheeks) you are the daughter that I could never even hope her..

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