Part 18

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Here is the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors..


Ragini and Raghav were in a taxi..

Raghav - I still don't understand why you have to come here Di.. You did what you could.. Yuvraaj also helped in bailing them out.. What was the need for coming here..??

Ragini - Raghu.. What are you saying..?? Swara is in trouble.. How can I stay there while she is going through so much..

Raghav (rolling his eyes) - Yeah.. Some sister she is..

Ragini - Raghu please.. I understand that it's difficult for you to accept her but she is my sister and trust me she loves me a lot.. She has always been there for me, always supporting me.. Even after so much she did not keep any grudge towards me, in fact it had been my strength..

Raghav - She did not do all that for you, she did that for that superiority and greatness complex of her's.. Anyone else at your place and she would have done the same.. There are some people who tend to show how great they are.. It's in their system..

Ragini - Oh god.. You can be stubborn.. (Hitting lightly in his head) It's nothing like that and if you had so issues you didn't have to come..I already told you that I will be find.. Anyways your exams just got over.. You should enjoy this phase rather than be dragged in these problems..

Raghav - Oh please there is no way I will let you come back here alone for those people.. You might consider them a family but i dont trust them.. I will be with you.. I won't let anyone hurt or manipulate you..

Ragini just shakes her head at his over protective brother.. Seems like yuvraaj was right.. Raghu could behave more extreme in front of her than he could..


Taxi reach baadi.. Raghav and Ragini gets down with their luggage.. Although Raghav would have preferred to be at hotel during their stay but obviously Ragini won't fo that.. It's her home and he won't leave ragini alone with them.. Even if he had to bear the presence of shekhar and sharmishta..

No matter how good they are , Raghav can never warm up to them as they had snatched his jaanu bua's right and then his di's..

Raghav can't hate them enough.. He just doesn't express all this beachse he didn't want to hurt ragini or make her feel guilty..

They both enter inside.. Daadi and Dadaji saw them and they all hugged each other..They were very happy to see that she was fine and looked much better..Raghav also takes their blessings without much reactions..

Ragini goes to hug sharmishta..

Ragini - Maa.. How are you..?? Swara how is she..?? Is she ok..

Raghav clutches his fist angrily at this and looks away..

Sharmishta - she is fine but they haven't got anything to prove their innocence .. I don't know what will happen..

Ragini - I will go to meet her.. Don't worry maa, I will do everything to protect her.. I will help her in proving their innocence..

Sharmishta cups her cheeks with emotional smile..

Her gaze goes to Raghva standing at the side.

Sharmishta (smiling softly) - He is Raghav.. ??

Ragini (smiles widely) - Yes.. He is my Raghu.. My baby bro..

Sharmishta - How are you beta..??

Raghav - Good.. And it's Raghav..

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