Part 27

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Here is the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors..



Ragini and mikie cover their ears by his sudden shout while adi stands there resolutely..

Raghav looks at Aditya in exasperation..

Raghav - What..What did you just say..??

Aditya (taking a sigh ) - We are dating..Me and Ragini are together..

Raghav (shocked) - What the hell... How... When... Where... ??

His goes gaze from aditya to ragini and then back at him..

Aditya - Well..About when,then it's not long ago..Actually just yesterday .. And about how and where, we will just keep it to ourselves.. Sorry..

Raghav clears his throat at this and straightens up.. He looks at ragini helplessly..

Raghav - Di..?? He is saying truth.. Really..??

Ragini just shrugs innocently..

He falls down on the couch in disbelief..

Raghav - How is this possible..?? You and him..... Dating...

He mutters slowly to himself while still not able to grasp the situation..

Mickie rolls her eyes at this..

Mickie - Gosh.. Why are you being do dramatic.. ??

Raghav looks at her sulkily..

Raghav - So what am I suppose to do..?? Didn't you hear what he said.. They are dating..

Mickie(raising her brows) - Yeah..?? So..?? What's so surprising in that.. ?? Isn't is quite obvious.. ??

Raghav - Obvious..?? What obvious..?? And why aren't you surprised..

Mickie (rolling her eyes ) - Duh..I am not stupid and I have eyes and I use them to se and the sparks between them would be visible to anyone just at first glance.. Like it was all around..

Aditya and Ragini glances at each other hearing this.. He smirks at her while she looks down scratching her forehead embarrassed..

Raghav felt even more dispirited hearing that ..

Raghav - Sparks..??

He gets up from the couch and lifelessly goes around and sits on another sofa seat as if lost....

Ragini melts and goes to sits beside him on arm rest..

Ragini - Raghu..

He looks at her pouting..

Raghav - ?? Really..??

She just nods helplessly..

Raghav - Him..??

Ragini (taking a sigh) - I know..

Raghav - But why him?? You didn't get anyone else..??

Aditya(offended) - Excuse me..??

Raghav (as if not listening to him) - weren't you like uhmm Hating him.. ??

Ragini-  I know raghu and yeah he can be very annoying sometimes.. No actually most of the times..

Raghav - Exactly.. He is so irritating..

Ragini - Yes.. Arrogant..

Raghav - yeah..Even Egoistic..

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